A datatable that comes with the most popular features.
React Datatable
The styling of the datatable can be customized using CSS.
Check out the DEMO WEBSITE
A datatable equiped with every commonly used filter. The demo has an array of 1,000 records. Not all features are active here. If you find a bug or want a feature, raise an issue on GitHub.
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Quick Features
- Sorting
- Multi Sorting
- Number filter
- Text filter
- Boolean filter
- Set filter
- Pagination
- Toggleable columns
- A Seperate controller from component, to allow customization.
- Added client sided data manipulation
- Editable cells
- Cell validation on edit
Example usage
To import styles you need to add this to the top
You can copy the contents of this css file and customize it to suit your theme
import "@jjmyers/datatable/build/styles/default.css"
import { useDatatable, type Datatable } from "@jjmyers/datatable";
import "@jjmyers/datatable/build/styles/default.css" // OR elegance.css
const status = ["online", "offline", "available", "unavailable", "dnd"]
type Data = {
id: number;
status: string;
fullName: string;
// ...more fields
function MyListOfData() {
const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false);
const onSaveChanges = (dirtyRows: Data[]) => new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log({ dirtyRows })
setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 3000)
const { Datatable, ...controller } = useDatatable<Data>({
data: data, // An array of objects
count: data.length, // This is the total number of records in the database
serverSide: false, // If this is false, data manipulation will be handled client sided. DEFAULT: true
onFilter: console.log, // If serverSide is true, you need to handle the filters here and update data.
onSaveChanges: onSaveChanges,
validateChanges: {
lastName: (value, field, dirtyRow, columns, originalRow) => {
if (!value) return null;
if (value.length > 3) return "Max 3 characters"
if (value === dirtyRow.middleName || value === originalRow?.middleName) return "Middle name and lastname cannot be the same"
return null
// A special field in validateChanges, used to perform validation on all fields, regardless wheather they were edited or not.
// If any field in the row is edited, all fields in that row will go through this validator.
// A good place to check for required fields if the data comes in empty and on edit you need to make sure the fields were filled.
__allRows__: (value, field, dirtyRow, columns, originalRow) => {
if (!value && field === "firstName") return "First name is required"
if(value && field === "firstName" && value.length < 2) return "Minimum 2 characters is required"
// Check all other fields...
return null
initialSortOrder: {
id: { orderIndex: 1, sortDirection: "desc" }
columns: [
// There are more props
// You'll have to check them yourself
{ field: "id", width: 85, datatype: "number", editable: false },
{ field: "status", editable: val => val !== "dnd" setOptions: status, multiFilter: true },
{ field: "fullName", editable: false, width: 250 },
{ field: "firstName" },
{ field: "middleName" },
{ field: "lastName" },
{ field: "email", width: 250, datatype: "email", sortable: false, filterable: false },
{ field: "phone", datatype: "phone" },
{ field: "isActive", datatype: "boolean" },
{ field: "profileImage", datatype: "image", omit: true },
{ field: "website", width: 250, datatype: "link" },
{ field: "loginTime", datatype: "time" },
{ field: "dateOfBirth", width: 180, datatype: "date" },
{ field: "about", width: 500, datatype: "paragraph" },
{ field: "createdAt", width: 250, datatype: "datetime" },
{ field: "customField" },
// Just an example of how you can add buttons here and manipulate the datatable if needed.
const AppsPanel = ({ OmitColumns }: Datatable.AppsPanelProps) => (
<button className="elegance-button" onClick={() => controller.reset(true)} style={{ padding: 8 }}>Reset Filters</button>
<button className="elegance-button" onClick={() => controller.reset()} style={{ padding: 8 }}>Clear Filters</button>
// Just an exmple of adding options to rows
const RowOptionMenu = ({ row, rowIndex }: Datatable.RowOptionMenuProps<Data>) => (
<button className="elegance-button" onClick={() => setIsFetching(true)} style={{ padding: 8 }}>Fetching On</button>
<button className="elegance-button" onClick={() => setIsFetching(false)} style={{ padding: 8 }}>Fetching Off</button>
return (
// If this is not passed, select option will go, otherwise it uses this fn to determine if a row is selectable
isSelectable={row => row.is_active}
// Sometimes we want the row options to show when you click on a row, mostly when you have many columns and have to scroll to click options.
// To auto-size the column