Small personal library I use to write [[https://threejs.org][Three.js]] scenes, declaratively, using [[https://reactjs.org][React]] and the atomic state managment library [[https://github.com/pmndrs/jotai][jotai]].
Small personal library I use to write [[https://threejs.org][Three.js]] scenes, declaratively, using [[https://reactjs.org][React]] and the atomic state managment library [[https://github.com/pmndrs/jotai][jotai]].
A small example app is [[https://jesseburke.org/apps/three-scene-with-react-example/]].
How does it work?
ThreeScene is a React component, whose underlying html element is the canvas that Three renders into. For instance, the example app has the form: #+begin_src javascript
ThreeSceneComp sets up the basics needed to render a ThreeJS scene, including a camera, renderer, etc. They are stored in a function closure that is accessible to all children of ThreeSceneComp under the object useThreeCBs.
Components have a lot of flexibility in how they respond to changes in the data. For instance, if a certain mesh with a very complicated geometry takes color as a prop, the component can be written to keep the geometry and only the change the material of the mesh, when the color prop changes.
Other features
** Camera debug
Shows second screen, with second camera, that lets user observe the first camera's position in relation to the scene; see the example app.
** Photos
** Labels
** Mouse picking
** Controls interactions