A PayNow QR Generator for Singapore
SG PayNow QR
A PayNow QR Generator for Singapore.
asImage flag does not work for now due to issues finding decent QRCode with logo generators for NodeJS. The QR string returned can be used as the content for QR Code generators on the browser.
npm install --save @jeremyling/sg-paynow-qr
Usage Example
import * as pn from "@jeremyling/sg-paynow-qr";
const date = new Date();
const [qrString, error] = pn.generateQr({
amount: 10.1, // Optional
editable: 0, // 1 - Payment Amount is editable, 0 - Payment Amount not editable
billNumber: "A12345", // Optional, defaults to '***' (User to input reference within payment app)
merchantName: "Payee", // Optional, defaults to 'NA'
merchantCountry: "SG", // Optional, defaults to 'SG'
merchantCity: "Singapore", // Optional, defaults to 'Singapore'
expiry: new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)), // Optional, defaults to 1 day from now
uen: undefined, // Required if mobile is null, PayNow registered UEN for businesses
mobile: "+6591234567", // Required if uen is null, PayNow registered Mobile Number for P2P transfers