Typescript client library for Jellyfish.
Jellyfish TS client
TypeScript client library for Jellyfish.
Documentation is available here
You can install this package using npm
npm install @jellyfish-dev/ts-client-sdk
It was tested with node.js
version specified in .tool-versions
- Running Jellyfish server.
- Created room and token of peer in that room. You u can use dashboard example to create room and peer token.
This snippet is based on minimal example.
import { JellyfishClient, WebRTCEndpoint } from "@jellyfish-dev/ts-client-sdk";
video: {
frameRate: { ideal: 20, max: 25 },
width: { max: 1920, ideal: 1920 },
height: { max: 1080, ideal: 1080 },
// Example metadata types for peer and track
// You can define your own metadata types just make sure they are serializable
type PeerMetadata = {
name: string;
type TrackMetadata = {
type: "camera" | "screen";
// Creates a new JellyfishClient object to interact with Jellyfish
const client = new JellyfishClient<PeerMetadata, TrackMetadata>();
const peerToken = prompt("Enter peer token") ?? "YOUR_PEER_TOKEN";
// Start the peer connection
peerMetadata: { name: "peer" },
token: peerToken,
// if websocketUrl is not provided, it will default to ws://localhost:5002/socket/peer/websocket
// You can listen to events emitted by the client
client.on("onJoinSuccess", (peerId, peersInRoom) => {
// Check if webrtc is initialized
if (!client.webrtc) return console.error("webrtc is not initialized");
// To start broadcasting your media you will need source of MediaStream like camera, microphone or screen
// In this example we will use screen sharing
// To receive media from other peers you need to listen to onTrackReady event
client.on("onTrackReady", (ctx) => {
const peerId = ctx.peer.id;
document.getElementById(peerId)?.remove(); // remove previous video element if it exists
// Create a new video element to display the media
const videoPlayer = document.createElement("video");
videoPlayer.id = peerId;
videoPlayer.oncanplaythrough = function () {
// Chrome blocks autoplay of unmuted video
videoPlayer.muted = true;
videoPlayer.srcObject = ctx.stream; // assign MediaStream to video element
// Cleanup video element when track is removed
client.on("onTrackRemoved", (ctx) => {
const peerId = ctx.peer.id;
document.getElementById(peerId)?.remove(); // remove video element
async function startScreenSharing(webrtc: WebRTCEndpoint) {
// Get screen sharing MediaStream
const screenStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(SCREEN_SHARING_MEDIA_CONSTRAINTS);
// Add local MediaStream to webrtc
screenStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => webrtc.addTrack(track, screenStream, { type: "screen" }));
For more examples, see examples folder.
We welcome contributions to Jellyfish Ts Client SDK. Please report any bugs or issues you find or feel free to make a pull request with your own bug fixes and/or features.
Detailed information about contributing can be found in contributing.md.
Jellyfish Ecosystem
| | | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Client SDKs | React, React Native, iOs, Android | | Server SDKs | Elixir, Python, OpenAPI | | Services | Videoroom - an example videoconferencing app written in elixir Dashboard - an internal tool used to showcase Jellyfish's capabilities | | Resources | Jellyfish Book - theory of the framework, Docs, Tutorials | | Membrane | Jellyfish is based on Membrane, Discord | | Compositor | Compositor - Membrane plugin to transform video | | Protobufs | If you want to use Jellyfish on your own, you can use our protobufs |
Copyright and License
Copyright 2023, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0