Package for Web Api Node JS apps with Express in TypeScript
Table of contents
General info
PlumeServer is an easy to use tool to create a quick Web API using Node.js and Express.js
import { Controller, HttpGet, FromRoute, PlumeServer, Injectable, Result, ok } from '@jeje-devs/plume-server';
export class PlanetService
public getPlanets(name: string): Array<string>
return ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturne', 'Uranus', 'Neptune']
.filter(x => x.toLowerCase().includes(name.toLowerCase()));
export class PlanetController
public constructor(
private readonly _planetService: PlanetService) { }
public async getPlanets(@FromRoute('name') name: string): Promise<Result<Array<string>>>
return ok(this._planetService.getPlanets(name));
const host = PlumeServer.createHost();
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Typescript
npm install @jeje-devs/plume-server
Create a controller class using the decorator @Controller:
export class MyController
Create the different http methods using the decorators:
public async sayHello(): Promise<Result<string>>
return ok('Hello World!');
The available methods are
- HttpGet
- HttpPost
- HttpPut
- HttpPatch
- HttpDelete
Query and Route params
To send query params, add parameters to the endpoint method with the decorator @FromQuery. For routes params, you need to use @FromRoute The types must be string, number or boolean
// Endpoint url: /api/controller/cars?model=208&brand=Peugeot
public async getCars(@FromQuery('model') model: string, @FromQuery('brand') brand: string): Promise<Result<Array<Car>>>
// ...
public async getCarById(@FromRoute('id') id: number): Promise<Result<Car>>
// ...
The argument is the property name sent by the client.
Body params
For body params, you need to use the @FromBody
public addCar(@FromBody() car: Car)
// ...
Here is an example of what you can achieve:
import { Controller, HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete, FromBody, Injectable, Result, ok, noContent } from '@jeje-devs/plume-server';
import { Car } from 'src/models/car.model';
import { CarService } from 'src/services/car.service';
export class CarController
public constructor(
private readonly _carService: CarService) { }
public async getCars(@FromQuery('name') name: string, @FromBody('brand') brand: string): Promise<Result<Array<Car>>>
const data = await this._carService.getCars(name, brand);
return ok(data);
public async createCar(@FromBody() car: Car): Promise<Result<void>>
await this._carService.createCar(car);
return noContent();
public async updateCar(@FromRoute('id') id: number, @FromBody() car: Car): Promise<Result<void>>
await this._carService.updateCar(id, car);
return noContent();
public async deleteCar(@FromRoute('id') id: number): Promise<Result<void>>
await this._carService.deleteCar(id);
return noContent();
Dependency injection
You can add other classes and register them with the mandatory @Injectable decorator. Typically, every other service classes referenced by the @Controller classes need to be registered, otherwise the application will not run. You will need to add the dependencies in the class constructor.
import { Controller, HttpGet, Injectable, Result, ok } from '@jeje-devs/plume-server';
export class ElementService
public getElements(): Array<string>
return ['Fire', 'Water', 'Wind', 'Earth'];
export class ElementController
public constructor(
private readonly _elementService: ElementService) { }
public async getElements(): Promise<Result<Array<string>>>
const data = this._elementService.getElements();
return ok(data);
Starting server
To start the server you need to run the PlumeServer.createHost and host.serve methods:
import { Controller, PlumeServer } from '@jeje-devs/plume-server';
import 'src/controller/car.controller';
const port = 8080;
const singletonToInject = {
value1: 'Foo',
value2: 'Bar'
const host = PlumeServer.createHost();
host.onApiErrors = (err: any) => console.error(err);
host.registerInstance('customSingleton', singletonToInject);
host.serve(port).then(() => console.log('Server is running'));