A class to help parse text files
This npm package provides the following libraries:
isTAML(block) - returns true if 1st line of block is '---'
taml(block) - returns data structure that block represents
slurpTAML(path) - returns data structure text in file represents
convertMarkdown(flag) - if false, markdownify just returns 1st arg
markdownify(block) - convert markdown to HTML
NOTE: Since one or more '#' characters introduce a comment, don't do this:
# A title
but, instead, do this:
A title
replace '=' characters with '-' characters for a level 2 heading
convertSASS(flag) - if false, sassify() just returns block
sassify(block) - returns equivalent CSS
isBuiltin(name) - tells you whether the name is a JavaScript reserved
name. The list is VERY incomplete and should probably not be
used from outside this package.
This library provides 4 classes of increasing complexity:
class Getter(lItems) with methods:
- get()
- unget(item)
- peek()
- skip()
- eof()
doDebug(flag) - turns on HEREDOC debugging if flag = true
mapHereDoc(block) - interprets a HEREDOC block and returns result
addHereDocType(obj) - add a new HEREDOC type by passing a class
that implements methods myName(), isMyHereDoc(block) and map(block)
Provides class FuncHereDoc, which can be used to add a new HEREDOC type via addHereDocType() in /heredoc
Implements these 3 classes:
Includes functions:
getNeededSymbols(coffeeCode, hOptions)
addImports(coffeeCode, rootDir, hOptions)
buildImportBlock(lNeededSymbols, rootDir, hOptions)
buildImportList(lNeededSymbols, rootDir, hOptions)
getAvailSymbols(rootDir, hOptions)
Includes functions:
coffeeExprToJS(coffeeExpr, force)
coffeeCodeToJS(code, hOptions)
coffeeFileToJS(srcPath, destPath, hOptions)
coffeeEvalFunc(lParmNames, strBody)
- use with FuncHereDoc
convertCielo(flag) - if false, cieloCodeToJS() just returns block