Angular library that adds commands to a queue so they can be processed at the server speed while updating a local copy of the view model automatically
Developer notes
The client adds commands, that are executed one after the other in a queue. The response from each command can be send back with the next command, for example, for optimistic concurrency.
A command must extend CommandQueueCommand class.
The client must provides services thru DI:
- CommandQueueDataManagerService: knows how to call the server to execute the commands.
- CommandQueueViewModelReaderService: knows how to get the data from the server (read)
- CommandQueueUpdateViewModelFunctionFactoryService: Creates a function that knows how to update a local copy of the ViewModel to reflect the changes after each command.
The client must provide a ViewModel that extends CommandQueueViewModel
Add all the parts to the DI container
providers: [
{provide: CommandQueueDataService, useClass: PetsDataService},
{provide: CommandQueueUpdateViewModelFunctionFactoryService,
useClass: UpdateViewModelFunctionFactoryService},
{provide: CommandQueueViewModelReaderService, useClass: ViewModelReaderService},
{provide: CommandQueueDataService, useClass: PetsDataService},
{provide: DeveloperNotificationsService}
Basic Usage
Inject the data manager:
constructor(private commandQueueDataManager : CommandQueueDataManagerService) { }
Before anything, the command manager must:
- Read the ViewModel
- Subscribe to notifications as in the following example
ngOnInit(): void {
if (error instanceof ConcurrencyVersionMismatchError)
this.developerNotifications.notify("Concurrency version mismatch. The local model version did not " +
"match the remote version. Data will be reloaded", true);
Add commands to the queue
const cmd = new AddPetCommand(uuid(), this.inputValue);
The DataManager view model is updated after each command, using the UpdateViewModelFactory service. This allows the local ViewModel to reflect the server changes without having to wait for it. If an error occurs, the remaining commands in the queue are cancelled and the ViewModel reloaded.
Inner workings
See IDmReader interface. Provides mechanisms to read data, get the current version (the server response from the last command) and some notifications.
Its implementation DmReader (class), depends on the ViewModelReaderService (provided by the user via DI)
See IDmWriter interface. Provides mechanisms to write data (execute commands).
This method adds the commands to the queue:
executeCommand(cmd : CommandQueueCommand):void;
Read the interface to understand the other members.
Its implementation DmWriter depends on 3 services:
- QueueFactory
- ExecuteCommandFunctionFactory
- IDmMediator
See the DmWritter code to understand how it delegates to these 3 services.
Creates a queue
The factory code is very simple:
return new Queue(this.logger);
What matters here is the Queue implementation.
The Queue is a class that allows adding a function (IExecuteCommandFunction) with an onErrorCallback. If the function throws an error, the callback is invoked. Otherwise, the next function in the queue is executed.
It also provides some properties, for example, to get how many commands are in the queue.
And a cancelAll method.
To understand this class see the Queue class
Receives a command and returns a function. When this function is invoked, the command is executed in the server.
See IExecuteCommandFunctionFactory interface.
Then, see its implementation ExecuteCommandFunctionFactory
This have 3 dependencies:
- IDmMediator
- CommandQueueUpdateViewModelFunctionFactoryService
- CommandQueueDataService
The IDmMediator is the same as the one injected to the writer, explained later.
The ...FunctionFactoryService is the service provided by the user. It knows how to create a function that, when called, can update the ViewModel to reflect the changes as per the command.
The CommandQueueDataService is the DataService provided by the user.
See the code in the ExecuteCommandFunctionFactory
Mediates between the Reader and the Writer
This is a very straight forward type. There are cases when the writter and the reader must communicate, this is the class thru which they communicate.
For example, in the DmWriter executeCommand method,
executeCommand(cmd: CommandQueueCommand): void {
let fn = this.executeCommandFunctionFactory
this._queue = this.queueFactory.create();
When an error occurs, the writer cancels all the commands in the queue and reads the view-model again. The read part must be delegated to the DMReader via the Mediator.