Output spongebob meme text from regular text
The Spongebob Meme Kata
An implementation of the Spongebob Meme Kata
Write a function that will take 'normal text' and convert it to 'NOrmaAl TexT'
- Must take user input
- Must have 100% test coverage
It randomly capitalizes letters, but it will not have more than 3 letters in a row in the same case. (This is easily configurable) When counting, anything other than letters a-z are ignored and not transformed.
The counting is implemented with a generator that will flip a bit between 1 and 0. The bit starts randomly as 1 or 0, and the will yield the same for a random number of times between 1 and 3. After that, the bit will be flipped, and the number of times will be reset to a random number between 1 and 3 again, continuing indefinitely.
The CLI is built with yargs. The number of consecutive same-case letters can be configured with --maxLettersInSameCase={num}
. The text is implemented as variadic positional args. In other words, all args are just turned into an array and joined with ' '
. Text can either be quoted or not quoted, similar to the bash echo
Tests are in Jest.
The main module test is one large unit, except for the writeLn
function, which uses stdout. A module mock is used to mock it for the main module tests.
The writeLn
function is tested separately simply to prove that calls process.stdout.write