Create change log file for NPM deployment
Using Change log creator Tool, user can automatically create change log file for NPM deployment.
This is a Change log tool with the following features,
- Jira number filter (Regex support)
- Jira type filter (Regex support)
- Jira label filter (Regex support)
- Jira priority filter (Regex support)
- Change log create based on public release or internal release
- Git log information capture duration support
- Manually set the Initial git starting tag
- Feature "HEAD" log capture support
- Auto rollover readme change log section
- Setting up the Prerequisites
- Description for tool-change-log-creator Tool
- Demonstrate how to run tool-change-log-creator on the local machine
Prerequisites :
- Download & Install nodejs
- Download & Install yarn (Depends on Node.js)
- Setup node, yarn, & java in environment path
- Download & Install a Code Editor. We are using VSCode
- cd to the project root
- run the following commands:
yarn install
- this downloads all of the project dependencies to your machine
Compile & Build
yarn build
- Builds the project and distributes the output files to the run directory
Unit Tests
yarn test
- Triggers all the unit test cases specified by any file ending in .spec.ts
- Unit test report is available at coverage/lcov-report/index.html
Description for tool-change-log-creator Tool
The tool is capable of automatically create bitbucket tasks.
Input Arguments:
Script Input Arguments:
--version Show version number [boolean]
--jira_log_in_id, --jid Jira login user id [required]
--jira_log_in_pwd, --jpwd Jira login user password [required]
--is_internal_release, --iir Create change log content for public
release [x.y.z] or internal release
[x.y.z-rc-a]. (e.g. iir=true)
[default: false]
--log_capture_duration, --lcd Create change log durations. (e.g.
for 90days, --lcd=90)[default: "90"]
--jira_number_filter, --jnf Create change log for specific jira
number filter. (e.g.
[default: "^.*"]
--initial_release_tag, --irt Initial tag release version
[default: "1.0.0"]
--disable_starting_release_tag_control, Disable starting tag release version
--dsrtc control [default: false]
--read_file_path, --rfp Read me file path [required]
--jira_priority_filter, --jpf Jira priority filter[ Critical,
Show-Stopper, Major, Normal, Minor,
Trivial ]. (e.g.
[default: "Normal|Critical|Show-Stopper|Major"]
--jira_type_filter, --jtf Jira Type filter [ Bug, Task, Story
]. (e.g. jtf=Bug|Task)
[default: "Story|Bug|Task"]
--jira_label_filter, --jlf Jira Label filter. (e.g.
[default: "^.*"]
--enable_future_tag_capture_ctrl, --eftc Future tag show control (Capture
HEAD content) [default: false]
--debug_mode, --dm Debug mode [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
Demonstrate how to run bitbucket utils tool on the local machine
Note: Command line arguments can be provided in any order
Change log tool default creation operation
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md"
Jira number filter (Regex support)
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --jnf=CCSRIP1956
Jira type filter (Regex support)
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --jtf=Bug|Task
Jira label filter (Regex support)
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --jlf=customer_visibility
jira priority filter (Regex support)
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --jpf=Critical|Show-Stopper|Major
Change log create for internal release (Default public release)
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --iir=true
Git log information capture duration support
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --lcd=90
Manually set the Initial git starting tag
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --irt"1.0.0"
Feature "HEAD" log capture support
Script Input Arguments:
node lib\index.js --jid=I50992 --jpwd=<jira password> --rfp="readme.md" --eftc=true
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[2.0.0] - 2021-04-14
CC16SCRIP-1484 CCL CAN FD module: Data bit rate time quanta calculation is not synch with CAN clock input
CC16SCRIP-888 CAN-FD Driver Bit rate handling and unit testing
CC16SCRIP-1211 CAN FD: Filter Handling