<h1 align="center"> express-templating </h1> <p align="center"> <b>Simplify your API implementation process by generating the default files structure</b> </p>
Utility that contains commands to accelerate building express APIs by generating the different directories and files for a standard set of files when creating an endpoint:
- Files:
- /routes
- /routes/resourceNameRoutes.ts
- /services
- /services/resourceNameService.ts
- /repositories
- /repositories/resourceNameRepository.ts
- /routes
In the files above resourceName will be replaced with the resource name passed as argument when executing the command in the command line. The commands included in this utility are thought considering a project that uses:
npm i -D @javierbonet/express-templating
yarn add --dev @javierbonet/express-templating
Resource generation
npx @javierbonet/express-templating generate-resource user field1:number field2:string
This command will generate the following structure:
├── database
│ ├── entities
│ │ └── User.ts
│ └── data-source.ts
├── src
├── routes
│ └── userRoutes.ts
├── services
│ └── userService.ts
├── repositories
└── userRepository.ts
- name: to be used when defining the files for the resource.
- properties list to be used as field for the entity to create: format propertyName:type
- dbEngine: database engine to be used in the data source configuration file
- default: mysql
- dbPort: database port to be used in the data source configuration file
- default: 3306
- dbDirectory: name of the directory where the data source and entities will be placed
- default: database
- srcDirectory: name of the directory where the routes, service and repository files will be placed
- default: src
Sets express routes to enable the following actions:
- GET /: to retrieve all resource instances
- GET /:id: to retrieve an specific resource instances
- POST /: to create a new resource instances
- PUT /:id: to update an specific resource instances
- DELETE /:id: delete an specific resource instances
The service use the repository to access the database. Contains the following methods.
- getAll(): retrieves all the users stored in the database
- getById(id: number): retrieves the specific user from the database
- create(user: userProperties): creates a user in the database
- update(id: number, userProperties): updates a user in the database
- delete(id: number): deletes a user from the database
Contains the following methods:
- getAll(): retrieves all the users stored in the database
- getById(id: number): retrieves the specific user from the database
- create(user: userProperties): creates a user in the database
- update(id: number, userProperties): updates a user in the database
- remove(id: number): deletes a user from the database
Special mentions
Thanks to Simone Scigliuzzi. I borrowed his pretty printing class explained here.