Javascript Signals
JSSignal is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating and managing custom signals and effects, making it easier to develop reactive applications with vanilla JavaScript or within a larger framework.
- Simple API: Easy to use and integrate.
- Lightweight: Minimal overhead, focusing solely on signals and effects.
- Flexible: Useful for a wide range of applications, from simple DOM manipulations to complex state management.
To use JSSignal in your project, you can clone the repository or include it directly in your HTML.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/jaswantsandhu/jssignal.git
cd jssignal
npm install
Using in Your Project
After cloning and building the project, you can use the distribution files in your project.
Start by importing JSSignal in your project:
import { signal, effect } from 'path/to/dist/jssignal';
Creating a Signal
const mySignal = signal(10); // Initialize a signal with a value of 10
Listening to Changes
effect(() => {
console.log(`Signal value changed to: ${mySignal.get()}`);
}, [mySignal]);
Changing the Signal Value
mySignal.set(20); // This will trigger the effect and log the new value
To run the JSSignal library locally for development:
npm run start
This will use nodemon and ts-node to run a demo application located at demo/application.ts.
Building for Production
To build the library for production:
npm run build
This script cleans the dist directory and rebuilds the library using Webpack.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.
JSSignal is MIT licensed.
- Customize Further: You might want to add more sections depending on your library's complexity and features, such as API documentation, examples, or advanced configurations.
- Keep Updated: Ensure that the information in the README is up to date with your library's current state and capabilities.
- Engage Your Users: Consider adding a "Getting Help" section with links to resources or community channels if available.