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Iconic - Simplify your Icon usage during development!
This package provides a web ui for visualizing your icons and making them easier to find.
Basic usage npx @japudcret/iconic --icon-path src/icons/
Sometimes the npx package gets cached and then executed from the cache. In that case you have to manually delete the cached package.
$ npx @japudcret/iconic -h
Usage: npx @japudcret/iconic --icon-path <path-to-icons> [-v] [-p port] [-r regex] [-h]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose Debug Mode [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --port Port [number] [default: 5000]
-i, --icon-path Icon Path (e.g. src/icons/) [required]
-r, --regex Regular Expression to find the icon files
[default: "([^.]+).(apng|avif|gif|jpg|jpeg|ico|svg|png|webp)$"]
--findReferences If references to the Icon files should be
searched for [boolean] [default: true]
-s, --sources The source folder, where references will be
searched for [default: "src/"]
--sourceSearchDepth The reference depth which should be discovered
[default: 1]
--omittedFileExtensions File Extensions that get omitted during import
[default: ".jsx,.js,.tsx,.ts"]
--excludes Excludes directories from being searched
[default: "node_modules,build,target"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Local testing
You can locally test the functionality by starting the backend and the frontend separately.
Start the backend (express dev server)
Start a local server that will mimic the environment created by npx
npm run start-express
This server uses only static source files found under build/
and assumes you have icons under test/
Start the frontend (React dev server)
npm run start-react
Test the package
Compile with
npm run build
Create a package
npm pack
Publish the package to your local (global) repository
npm install -g japudcret-iconic-0.2.0.tgz
Afterwards you can use npx iconic
to test your latest version.