Dev Spaces Switcher (DSS) is a tool for switching between different context for working seamlessly in different environment/companies without having to worry about ssh or github configurations
Dev Spaces Switcher (DSS)
Dev Spaces Switcher (DSS) is a CLI tool designed to help developers switch between different contexts seamlessly when working across various environments or companies, without having to worry about SSH or GitHub configurations manually.
- Create and Manage Spaces: Easily create and manage isolated workspaces for different projects.
- SSH Key Management: Automatically generate and switch SSH keys when changing spaces.
- GitHub Configuration: Streamline GitHub user configuration for each space.
- CLI-Based: Simple and intuitive command-line interface.
DSS is available as an npm package. You can install it globally using npm:
npm install -g @jalasem/dss
or using yarn:
yarn global add @jalasem/dss
After installation, you can use the dss command to manage your spaces. Here are some common commands:
Adding a New Space
dss add
This command will guide you through the process of adding a new space.
Listing All Spaces
dss list
This command will list all the spaces you have created.
Switching to a Space
dss switch [spaceName]
If [spaceName]
is omitted, you'll be prompted to select from available spaces.
Removing a Space
dss remove [spaceName]
Remove an existing space. You'll be asked to confirm the removal.
Modifying a Space
dss edit [spaceName]
Modify the configuration of an existing space. Follow the interactive prompts to make changes.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or create issues for bugs, questions, and feature requests.
Special thanks to everyone who contributes to open source. Your efforts make projects like this possible.