> First person shooter controls to easily create 3D shooter experiences (or other first person experiences).
Tres FPS controls
First person shooter controls to easily create 3D shooter experiences (or other first person experiences).
pnpm i @jaimebboyjt/tres-fps-controls
All the examples can be found in: Examples.
How to use it
To get started you can simply import the main component and use it.
<script setup>
import { TresCanvas } from "@tresjs/core";
import { fpsControls } from "fpsControls";
<TresCanvas window-size>
:position="[0, 0, 3]"
<fpsControls />
That's it. Now you're going to have a shooter controller. The WASD keys allow you to move and the mouse pointer changes where you look.
[!NOTE] This package uses PointerLockControls from cientos.
We can provide a controlsKeys
prop to change, add or remove some of the basic functionalities.
controlsKeys: {
type: Array,
default: () => [
{ name: 'forward', key: 'w' },
{ name: 'backward', key: 's' },
{ name: 'left', key: 'a' },
{ name: 'right', key: 'd' },
// Optionals
{ name: 'jump', key: 'space', gravity },
{ name: 'run', key: 'Shift', speed: moveSpeed * 2 }, // run affect speeds up the headbobbing
{ name: 'creep', key: 'ctrl', speed: moveSpeed * 0.25 }, // creep affect slows down the headbobbing
// Mouse actions
{ name: 'leftClick', action: () => { } },
{ name: 'rightClick', action: () => { } },
{ name: 'middleClick', action: () => { } },
{ name: 'wheelActionUp', action: () => { } },
{ name: 'wheelActionDown', action: () => { } },
// Key actions
name: 'actions', actions: // You can have as many events as you want 🥳
{ name: 'action', key: 'e', action: () => {} },
{ name: 'action', key: 'q', action: () => {} },
{ name: 'action', key: 'r', action: () => {} },
{ name: 'action', key: 'f', action: () => {} },
[!TIP] Under the hood we use useMagicKeys. Check out all the possible keycodes.
As you can see we can provide different actions, including an array of actions using the keyboard.
<script setup>
import { TresCanvas } from "@tresjs/core";
import { fpsControls } from "fpsControls";
const keyboardMap = [
{ name: "jump", key: "Space", gravity: 9.7 },
{ name: "run", key: "q", speed: 0.5 },
{ name: "creep", key: "e" },
{ name: "leftClick", action: () => animationSword() },
name: "actions",
actions: [
{ name: "action2", key: "f", action: () => console.log("F press") },
{ name: "action4", key: "r", action: () => console.log("R press") },
{ name: "wheelActionUp", action: () => console.log("up") },
{ name: "wheelActionDown", action: () => console.log("down") },
<TresCanvas window-size>
:position="[0, 0, 3]"
<fpsControls :controlsKeys="keyboardMap" />
Other props
| Prop | Description | Type | Default |
| :-------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------- |
| moveSpeed | Move speed | Number | 0.1
| headBobbing | headBobbing parameters (active, speed, amplitude) | IHeadBobbing | |
| camera | The camera to control | Camera | undefined
| domElement | The dom element to listen to | HTMLCanvasElement | undefined
| selector | Accept an id element as string, if it is set, the new element will be used as the trigger | String | undefined
interface IHeadBobbing {
active: boolean // default true
speed: number // default 5
amplitude: number // default 0.25
Add weapons (models)
Do you want to add a weapon? Like a pistol, that is always with your character? It couldn't be easier:
Just add your desired model as a slot (learn how to load models here). For example:
<GLTFModel path="/PixelArt Medieval Sword.glb" :scale="0.4"
:position="[-4.5, -3, -5]" // Don't forget set the z axis :rotation="[0, 1,
0]" />
This will make your model update its position each time you move.
[!IMPORTANT] Normally you would set up the z axis, so the model is in front of you camera.
Expose methods
Do you still need more configurations?
We provide all the methods for you, exposed by the component, so you can use them as you like.
root: PointerLockControlsRef,
models: wrapperRef,
moveMethods: {
forward: () => walkSystem.moveForward(),
backward: () => walkSystem.moveBackward(),
left: () => walkSystem.moveLeft(),
right: () => walkSystem.moveRight(),
run: () => walkSystem.applyRun(),
creep: () => walkSystem.applyCreep(),
stopCreep: () => walkSystem.stopCreep(),
stopRun: () => walkSystem.stopRun(),
stopSideward: () => walkSystem.stopSideward(),
stopForward: () => walkSystem.stopForward(),
For granular control each method comes with its stop
You can access all these methods using Template ref, as you normally would do with your TresJs components.
We also provide some reactive events. Ej:
import { fpsControls } from 'fpsControls'
const handleState = (e) => console.log(e)
const handleLock = (e) => console.log(e)
const onChange = (e) => console.log(e)
<TresCanvas window-size>
:position="[0, 0, 3]"
<fpsControls @state="handleState" @isLock="handleLock" @change="onChange" />
| Event | Description | | :--------- | :---------------------------------------------------------- | | state | trigger when the state changes. | | isLock | trigger whether the pointer is locked. | | change | trigger when the character makes a move (moves the camera). |
Posible states:
idle: 'idle',
walking: 'walking',
running: 'running',
jumping: 'jumping',
creeping: 'creeping',
Mobile (in progress)
You can use the MobileJoystick
that creates a joystick on your screen to easily move using your fingers on mobile devices (currently this only works on touch devices).
<script setup>
import { fpsControls, MobileJoystick } from 'fpsControls'
<MobileJoystick /> // Important, this component need to go inside the
| Prop | Description | Type | Default |
| :------------------ | :------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| containerStyles | Styles of the joystick container | String | position:absolute; bottom:35px; width:160px; height:160px; background:rgba(126, 126, 126, 0.5); border:#fff solid medium; border-radius:50%; left:20%; transform:translateX(-50%);z-index:9999;
| joystickStyles | Joystick styles | String | position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 50px; width: 60px; height: 60px; border-radius: 50%; background: #fff;
| maxRadius | Max length of the joystick | Number | 40
I appreciate your interest in this project! If you have any feedback, suggestions, or resources related to the controller, please feel free to share.
If you like this package you can support my work [here](https://github.com/sponsors/JaimeTorrealba ☺️. A github star or just some words of appreciation are incredible.