> NOTE: This is very early stage, documentation is not complete and breaking API changes likely ahead. Please use at your own risk. Lock your version in case you use. (Even though I will adhere to semver for updates)
NOTE: This is very early stage, documentation is not complete and breaking API changes likely ahead. Please use at your own risk. Lock your version in case you use. (Even though I will adhere to semver for updates)
leverages zod to provide a type safe Promise oriented API to manage iframe communication.
npm i zod @izod/core
// common.ts
import { z } from 'zod';
import type { EventMap } from '@izod/core';
export const parentOriginEvents = {
askQuestion: z.object({
question: z.string(),
shout: z.object({
message: z.string(),
} as const satisfies EventMap;
export const childOriginEvents = {
answerQuestion: z.object({
answer: z.string(),
whisper: z.object({
message: z.string(),
} as const satisfies EventMap;
// parent.html
import { createChild } from '@izod/core';
// create the child instance (not mounted until handshake is executed)
const child = createChild({
container: document.body, // required
url: '', // required
inboundEvents: childOriginEvents, // optional
outboundEvents: parentOriginEvents, // optional
handshakeOptions: {
// optional
maxHandshakeRequests: 10, // default 5
handshakeRetryInterval: 100, // default 1000
// perfect time to setup event listeners so that they are ready once the handshake is over
// type safe event listeners for events coming from the child
child.on('whisper', (data) => {
console.log(`Child whispered: ${data.message}`);
const childApi = await child.executeHandshake();
// type safe event emitters
childApi.emit('shout', { message: 'Hello' });
// child.html
import { connectToParent } from '@izod/core';
// sets the boilerplate
const parent = connectToParent({
inboundEvents: parentOriginEvents, // optional
outboundEvents: childOriginEvents, // optional
// type safe event listeners for events coming from the parent
parent.on('shout', (data) => {
console.log(`Parent shouted: ${data.message}`);
const parentApi = await parent.executeHandshake();
// type safe event emitters
parentApi.emit('whisper', { message: 'Hi' });