Patient Fhir Helper
IWangLang: Patient Fhir Helper
🚀 Quick Start
# npm
npm i @iwanglang/patient-fhir-helper
# yarn
yarn add @iwanglang/patient-fhir-helper
// ESM / Typescript
import { PatientFhirHelper } from "@iwanglang/patient-fhir-helper";
// CommonJS
const { PatientFhirHelper } = require("@iwanglang/patient-fhir-helper");
🥸 How it work?
The PatientFhirHelper
class is used to search for patients in Fhir Server using business identifier
and convert it into an interface PatientNormalization
. So if you want to get patient information and don't know about fhir, let's call functionnn
patientFhirHelper->>FhirServer: search by business identifier
FhirServer->>patientFhirHelper: Response Patient Resource
patientFhirHelper-)PatientNormalization: Convert to interface
🥸 Get Patient Information by Identifier
import { PatientFhirHelper } from "@iwanglang/patient-fhir-helper";
async function bootstrap() {
const patientFhirHelper = new PatientFhirHelper("http://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4");
const patient = await patientFhirHelper.findPatientByIdentifier("12345");
* {
id: "1174249",
patientReference: "Patient/1174249",
identifier: [
use: "usual",
type: [Object ...],
system: "urn:oid:",
value: "89765a87b",
deceasedBoolean: false,
hospitalNumber: "89765a87b",
name: "-",
gender: "male",
birthdate: "1967-10-02",
remainingAge: "56ปี 6เดือน 9วัน",
remainingAgeYears: 56,
remainingAgeMonths: 6,
remainingAgeDays: 9,
photo: undefined,
🥸 Patient Information Interface
The findPatientByIdentifier()
function returns a PatientNormalization
| element | type | description |
| id | string | The patient's unique identifier in the FHIR server. |
| patientReference | string | The patient's reference in the FHIR server. |
| identifier | Identifier[] | The patient's identifier. |
| deceasedBoolean | boolean | The patient's deceased status. |
| hospitalNumber | string | null | The patient's hospital number, or null
if not found. |
| name | string | The patient's name. |
| gender | ('male'|'female'|'other'|'unknown') | The patient's gender. |
| birthdate | string | null | The patient's birthdate, or null
if not found. |
| remainingAge | string | null | The patient's remainingAge, or null
if not found. |
| remainingAgeYears | number | null | The patient's remainingAgeYears, or null
if not found. |
| remainingAgeMonths | number | null | The patient's remainingAgeMonths, or null
if not found. |
| remainingAgeDays | number | null | The patient's remainingAgeDays, or null
if not found. |
| photo | string | undefined | The patient's photo, or undefined
if not found. |