{ properties: { <configuration> }, data: [ { <query> } ] }
Line chart component
General information about componetization
Component props structure
{ properties: { }, data: [ { } ] }
When a component added to a dashboard a new instance of the component will be created. Each instance could be configured by using UI which is a configuration schema representation.
Configuration based on react-json-schema
(https://github.com/mozilla-services/react-jsonschema-form) and consist of 2 parts:
- JSON schema. A schema definition of a data structure which will be passed to the component instance. It can contain default data which will be passed to the instance.
- UI schema. UI representation for end-used, it tells what UI widget to display behind JSON property
Data is a structure, consist of a query to a browser-like DB (ALASQL). A component has opportunity to extend, modify or execute a query. Also, a meta information about fields which query can return is available without doing the actual query.
data: [
tableMeta: {
allFields: [],
labelFields: [], // fields which return String type
valueFields: [string], // numeric fields
timeField: string // timestamp field
queryString: object, // squel (https://hiddentao.com/squel/) query object
alasql: instance, //connection to Alasql,
execute: function() // function to run a query
Each component installed to dashboard has its own name and icon. Please set these properties in package.json
as icon
, title
. As optional you can set a description
Data transformation
If data provided by data source doesn't meet your component requirements you can transform in with @antv/data-set
Find out more information here ((https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fantv.alipay.com%2Fzh-cn%2Fg2%2F3.x%2Fapi%2Fdata-set.html%23_DataSet.transforms&edit-text=)