Accounts plugin for the Reaction API
Accounts plugin for the Reaction API
Developer Certificate of Origin
We use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) in lieu of a Contributor License Agreement for all contributions to Reaction Commerce open source projects. We request that contributors agree to the terms of the DCO and indicate that agreement by signing all commits made to Reaction Commerce projects by adding a line with your name and email address to every Git commit message contributed:
Signed-off-by: Jane Doe <[email protected]>
You can sign your commit automatically with Git by using git commit -s
if you have your user.name
and user.email
set as part of your Git configuration.
We ask that you use your real name (please no anonymous contributions or pseudonyms). By signing your commit you are certifying that you have the right have the right to submit it under the open source license used by that particular Reaction Commerce project. You must use your real name (no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are allowed.)
We use the Probot DCO GitHub app to check for DCO signoffs of every commit.
If you forget to sign your commits, the DCO bot will remind you and give you detailed instructions for how to amend your commits to add a signature.
This Reaction plugin is GNU GPLv3 Licensed
Version control
- phoneNumber
- validation for phoneNumber
- logic for add / update addressBook
- logic to set default shipping and billing addresses
- new schemas for account addresses
- address in an account
v2.14.0 add extra fields and fix bugs
type Account in mongodb and graphql
- add phone number to Account
- add birthday date to Account
- add methods to validate and manipulate this fields
method CreateAccount
- change logic for fields from Profile schema
Account and Profile schemas for mongodb
- remove field name
- remove field username