This artifact contains the Cisco ASA group policy object update workflow for Ansible using IAP
ASA Firewall Object Group Update
This artifact contains the Cisco ASA group policy object update workflow for Ansible using IAP.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Features
- Installation Prerequisites
- Supported Device Types
- Future Enhancements
- How to Install
- How to Run
- Additional Information
This artifact contains the Cisco ASA group policy object update workflow for Ansible using IAP. This workflow is designed to create and update an existing group object to add and remove hosts on a Cisco ASA firewall physical and virtual devices via Ansible.
This solution consists of the following:
- Main workflow
- Operations Manager entry
- JSON form
Notable features of the IAP-Pre-built ASA Firewall Group Policy Update include:
- Group updates for host addition and removal.
- Allows for rollback in case functionality checks have failed.
- Zero touch mode of operation is available via JSON form.
Installation Prerequisites
- This Pre-built requires Ansible, Itential Automation Gateway, and a Cisco ASA device.
- Itential Automation Platform
Supported Device Types
- Cisco ASA/ASAv
Future Enhancements
- This workflow is designed to run only against Ansible devices. Do not try to run it against Cisco-ASA devices orchastrated by Cisco NSO.
- Form validation on a list of hosts only supports IPv4 addresses.
How to Install
To install the pre-build:
- Verify you are running a supported version of the Itential Automation Platform (IAP) as listed above in the Prerequisites section.
- The pre-build can be installed from within
. Simply search for the name of your desired pre-build and click the install button.
How to Run
Starting the ASA Firewall Group Policy Update is done via Operations Manager. Please provide the device, group and hosts in the provided form.
Additional Information
Please use your Itential Customer Success account if support is needed when using this pre-built.