Customized Element Plus components
- It is recommended to use Composition API for project development
Common Commands
- Start
npm start
- Build
npm run build:stage
npm run build:prod
- Unit testing
npm run test
Different Project Env Configurations
- Global Config: under
,dev environment under/dev
,production env under/prod
, take wise project for example,e.g:dev/dev.js
; - Proxy:under
, take wise project for example e.g :dev.js
Code Formatting
- Use eslint+prettier
- Install Eslint and Prettier plugins in vscode for hints
- No extra plugins needed for webstorm
Dependencies Explanation
- lodash-es: replaces lodash, better tree shaking
- dayjs: time tool library, replaces moment, smaller size
- pinia: state management
- axios+rxjs: http requests. rxjs for data stream processing。Rxjs Operator Decision Tree
- vue-router: routingDocs
- vue-i18n: i18nDocs
- tailwindcss: css framework,Docs
- element plus: A Vue 3 UI Framework,Docs, Please refer to the documentation for colors and component styles. Docs, Basic components are rewritten through styles, and the location of the rewritten file is unis-vue3-base\src\styles\element-plus-reset-light.scss(element-plus-reset-dark.scss)
- @vueuse/core: common Vue 3 hooks Docs
- @vueuse/rxjs: rxjs related hooks Docs
- Material Icons: common icons Docs。Remove related imports in
if not used - Fortawesome: common icons Docs。Remove related imports in
if not used - @formkit/auto-animate: animations Docs