@iresine/core is a library for normalize and notify about updates.
@iresine/core is a library for normalize and notify about updates.
99% of the time, you shouldn't use @ iresine/core directly. At the moment, I recommend using @iresine/core with @iresine/react-query
npm i @iresine/core
type Entity = any
Entity that has an identifier
types EntityId = string
for this entity
id: '0',
type: 'user'
entityId is
type Template = Array<Array<string, any>>
Array of arrays where the first value contains the path, and the second value contains the value
const iresine = new Iresine();
const data = {
deep: {
level: {
0: 'hello',
const {template} = iresine.parse(data);
// templte now have structure
// [
// [[], {}], first array is structure of base
// [['deep', 'level', '0'], 'hello']
// ]
type Refs = Map<Array, EntityId>
Map, there keys are paths to the place where the link to another entity is located. Values are the identifier of the entity we are referring to.
const iresine = new Iresine();
const data = {
deep: {
level: {
0: {
id: 0,
type: 'comment',
const {refs} = iresine.parse(data);
// refs now have structure
// new Map([
// [['deep', 'level', '0'], 'user:0']
// ])
parse(entity: Entity): {template: Template, refs: Refs}
The main function that parses data and stores it in storage. Upon completion, it notifies all required subscribers.
get(EntityId: EntityId): Entity
Get an entity by its identifier
const iresine = new Iresine();
const user = {
id: '0',
user: 'user',
iresine.get('user:0') === user; // true
join(EntityId: EntityId): Entity
Get an entity by its identifier. Unlike .get() creates a new entity when called. The new entity is stored in the store.
const iresine = new Iresine();
const user = {
id: '0',
user: 'user',
iresine.get('user:0') === user; // false, but have same structure
joinRefs(template: Template, refs: Refs)
Concatenates values from template, substituting entities from refs
const iresine = new Iresine();
const data = {
deep: {
level: {
0: {
id: 0,
type: 'comment',
const {template, refs} = iresine.parse(data);
const joined = iresine.joinRefs(template, refs);
joined === data; // false, but have same structure
subscribe(EntityIds: []EntityId, listener)
Subscribes to changes.
unsubscribe(EntityIds: []EntityId, listener)
Unsubscribes to changes.