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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Functionality to work with multiple blockchains





npm version

@iov/multichain exposes high-level functionality to work with multiple blockchains. It uses the keymanagement functionality of UserProfile, and the generic blockchain connection of BlockchainConnection, and pulls them together into one MultiChainSigner, which can query state and sign transactions on multiple blockchains. The examples below show a basic usage of MultiChainSigner. You may also want to experiment with @iov/cli as a developer tool to familiarize yourself with this functionality.

Full Api Docs

Full API Docs from the latest release are hosted at:

If you want to generate documentation for a development branch, please run yarn docs in the current directory and go to docs/index.html.


Here are some example use cases. They all build on each other and assume all imports from above. I also use await syntax here, which works inside of async functions and experimentally in the @iov/cli REPL. (All imports are done for you in the REPL as well, so you can skip the import statements. They are provided for guidance when integrating into your own codebase).

Before starting, either run from source in ../iov-cli via yarn build && ./bin/iov-cli or install from npm via npm install -g @iov/cli; iov-cli. Inside the cli the remaining code should work verbatim.

Key Management

Create a random mnemonic:

import { Bip39, Random } from "@iov/crypto";

// 16 bytes -> 12 word phrase
const entropy16 = Random.getBytes(16);
const mnemonic12 = Bip39.encode(entropy16).toString();

// 32 bytes -> 24 word phrase
const entropy32 = Random.getBytes(32);
const mnemonic24 = Bip39.encode(entropy32).toString();

Create a new profile with two wallets:

import { Ed25519HdWallet, UserProfile } from "@iov/keycontrol";

const profile = new UserProfile();
const wallet1 = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic12));
const wallet2 = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic24));

Inspect the profile:

// look at profile (value reads current state)

// listen to the profile (stream of updates, good for reactive UI)
const sub = profile.wallets.updates.subscribe({
  next: (wallets) => console.log(wallets),
profile.setWalletLabel(, "12 words");
profile.setWalletLabel(, "24 words");

Create identies on the two wallets:

import { ChainId } from "@iov/bcp";
import { HdPaths } from "@iov/keycontrol";
import { fromHex, toHex } from "@iov/encoding";

const chainId = "iov-exchangenet" as ChainId;
// this creates two different public key identities, generated from the
// first mnemonic using two different SLIP-0010 paths
const id1a = await profile.createIdentity(, chainId, HdPaths.iov(0));
const id1b = await profile.createIdentity(, chainId, HdPaths.iov(1));
console.log(id1a.pubkey.algo, toHex(;
console.log(id1b.pubkey.algo, toHex(;

// this creates a different key from the second mnemonic,
// this uses the same HD path as id1a, but different seed.
const id2 = await profile.createIdentity(, chainId, HdPaths.iov(0));
console.log(id2.pubkey.algo, toHex(;

// we can also add labels to the individual identies
profile.setIdentityLabel(id1a, "main account");

Save and reload keyring:

const levelup = require("levelup");
// this is for local leveldb in node
const leveldown = require("leveldown");
// use this for indexdb storage in browser
// const browsedown = require('browsedown');

const db = levelup(leveldown("./my_secret_keys"));
// const db = levelup(browsedown('keystore'));

const passphrase = "is seven words enough for the checker?";
await profile.storeIn(db, passphrase);

// this throws an error:
// await UserProfile.loadFrom(db, "garbage");
const loaded = await UserProfile.loadFrom(db, passphrase);

// and we have the same data
const ids = profile.getIdentities(loaded.wallets.value[0].id);

Interacting with BCP Blockchain

The main use of private keypairs is not just to generate and organize them, but to actually sign transactions (or encrypt/decrypt messages... not there yet). To demonstrate this part, we need a working blockchain. If you are ambitious, you can check out bcp-demo, and build the bov and tendermint binaries, construct your genesis file and run the client against your one-node "dev net"...

But, if you just want to see how the client works, let's run against IOV's testnet and use the faucet to get some tokens. As of December 17, 2019, the current testnet is located at

To connect, you need to know the address of the rpc server (above). It is also helpful to know the chainId of the chain. You can find that quite easily by looking at the genesis file under .result.genesis.chain_id. In our case this is iov-exchangenet.

Executing the commands

Discover the address for your identity. This is chain-dependent, so we need to use the chain-dependent TxCodec to generate it. In our case, bnsCodec:

import { bnsCodec } from "@iov/bns";

const addr = bnsCodec.identityToAddress(id1a);

If you are running your own "dev-net" give that address plenty of tokens in the genesis file, by running bov init IOV $ADDR.

Now, connect to the network:

import { createBnsConnector, MultiChainSigner } from "@iov/multichain";

const signer = new MultiChainSigner(profile);
await signer.addChain(

console.log(signer.chainIds()[0]); // is this what you got yourself?

List the tokens on the network:

const connection = signer.connection(chainId);

const tokens = await connection.getAllTokens();

Query the testnet for some existing genesis accounts:

// this is pulled from the genesis account
import { Address } from "@iov/bcp";

const alice = "tiov1c9eprq0gxdmwl9u25j568zj7ylqgc7ajyu8wxr" as Address;
const acct = await connection.getAccount({ address: alice });

If you are running the testnet faucet, just ask for some free money.

import { TokenTicker } from "@iov/bcp";
import { IovFaucet } from "@iov/faucets";

const faucet = new IovFaucet("");
await, "ALT" as TokenTicker);

Then query your account:

const mine = await connection.getAccount({ address: addr });
console.log(mine); // should show non-empty array for balance

const addr2 = bnsCodec.identityToAddress(id2);
let yours = await connection.getAccount({ address: addr2 });
console.log(yours); // should be undefined

Send a transaction to second id:

import { SendTransaction, TokenTicker } from "@iov/bcp";

const sendTx: SendTransaction = {
  kind: "bcp/send",
  chainId: chainId,
  sender: addr, // this account must have money
  recipient: addr2,
  memo: "My first transaction",
  amount: {
    // 10.11 ALT (9 sig figs in tx codec)
    quantity: "10110000000",
    fractionalDigits: 9,
    tokenTicker: "ALT" as TokenTicker,

// we must have the private key for the transaction creator (id1a)
await signer.signAndPost(id1a, sendTx);

// and we have a balance on the recipient now
yours = await connection.getAccount({ address: addr2 });
console.log(yours); // should show non-empty array for balance

Now, query the transaction history:

const history = await connection.searchTx({ sentFromOrTo: addr2 });
const first = history[0].transaction as SendTransaction;
// address of recipient
// public key of sender
// address of sender
const sender = bnsCodec.identityToAddress(first);

Reactive Clients

If you query, the data can get stale, and you may be tempted to start polling the blockchain. Don't! Instead we offer event streams for anyone wishing to generate a reactive application. You can simply log these values, or feed them into a reducer to capture their value.

// these are helpers for consuming streams
// lastValue will always store the last value,
// asArray will append to an array with list of all tx that were streamed
import { asArray, lastValue } from "@iov/stream";

const liveHeight = lastValue(
  client.watchBlockHeaders().map((header) => header.height),
// if you wait a few seconds, you should see the block-height increase

// you can also watch an account balance
const liveBalance = lastValue(client.watchAccount({ address: addr }));

// or a list of all transactions that touch this account
const liveTx = asArray(client.liveTx({ address: addr }));

Now, go ahead, send some tokens to this account in another window, and read the value of the account and tx again, watch them grow.


This package is part of the IOV-Core repository, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).