IoTFlows.js ES Module.
IoTFlows Open Source JavaScript WebSocket SDK.
With this tool you can:
- Publish secure real-time data streams.
- Subscribe to the data streams and access real-time data on your web/mobile/IoT apps.
- Publish alerts to the alert channels with a defined severity level. Subscribers will get notified in the form of SMS/Email/Push.
- Define cloud actions that can be called from other IoT devices/web applications.
Use npm
to install the iotflows.js module:
npm install @iotflows/iotflows-js
This function will create and initialize an IoTFlows instance. This is an async function and you would need to use 'await' to ensure proper initialization.
const {loadIoTFlows} = require('@iotflows/iotflows-js')
var iotflows = await loadIoTFlows('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET');
Make sure to change CLIENT_ID
with the proper credentials obtained from IoTFlows console.
These credentials can be either one of these options:
- A Device Client that has permission to interact with the resources available in its project, or
- An Organization IoT API KEY that can have read-only or read/write permissions to the entire organization resources
- A User Client that is authorized to interact with the permitted resources of the user. This option is most useful when you need to build a web or mobile app. For this option, you need to register your Application in IoTFlows and authenticate users using OAuth2. With the obtained JWT, you can perform a Basic authentication HTTP request to generate a User Client.
Publish data stream
To publish a real-time data stream, you need to pass these parameters in a json object:
- data_stream_uuid: the uuid of the data stream
- data: the data to be published to the data stream
Read more:
await iotflows.publish({
data_stream_uuid: 'ds_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
data: '81'
Subscribe to data stream
To listen to real-time data streams that are published, you need to define the following parameters in a json object:
- data_stream_uuid: data stream uuid
- qos (optional): quality of service 0, 1, or 2 (0: At most once, 1: At least once, 2: Exactly once)
- subtopic_subscription (optional): boolean flag to subscribe to subtopics
- callback: handler function to be called when data received
await iotflows.subscribe({
data_stream_uuid: 'ds_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
subtopic_subscription: true,
callback: function handler(topic, payload){
console.log("New message received!")
Unsubscribe from a data stream
To unsubscribe from real-time data streams, you need to define the following parameters in a json object:
- data_stream_uuid: data stream uuid
- qos (optional): quality of service 0, 1, or 2 (0: At most once, 1: At least once, 2: Exactly once)
- subtopic_subscription (optional): boolean flag to unsubscribe from subtopics
- callback: handler function to be called when data received
await iotflows.unsubscribe({
data_stream_uuid: 'ds_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
subtopic_subscription: true
Publish an alert
To publish an alert, you need to pass these parameters in a json object:
- alert_channel_uuid: the uuid of the alert channel
- severity: the severity of the alert. It can be MAJOR, MINOR or INFORMATIVE
- subject: the subject of the alert
- description: the description/message of the alert
Read more:
await iotflows.alert({
alert_channel_uuid: 'ac_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
severity: 'MINOR',
subject: 'Water Leak',
description: 'Water leackage detected in Site A.'
Define a cloud action
To define a cloud action that can be called from other IoT/web applications, you need to define the following parameters in a json object:
- action_uuid action uuid
- qos (optional): quality of service 0, 1, or 2 (0: At most once, 1: At least once, 2: Exactly once)
- callback: handler function to be called when action gets executed
Read more:
await iotflows.defineAction({
action_uuid: 'da_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
callback: function handler(topic, payload){
console.log("New command received!")
Call/Execute a cloud action
To publish an alert, you need to pass these parameters in a json object:
- action_uuid: the uuid of the action
- payload: the payload to be published to the action
await iotflows.callAction({
action_uuid: 'da_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
payload: false
Publish a generic MQTT message
To publish an MQTT message with a defined topic, you need to pass these parameters:
- topic: the mqtt topic
- payload: the message payload to be sent
await iotflows.publishMQTT(
Subscribe to a generic MQTT topic
To subscribe to a generic MQTT topic, you need to define the following parameters:
- topic: the mqtt topic
- callback: the callback handler function that gets triggered once a message is received
function handler(topic, payload){
console.log("New message received!")
Unsubscribe from a generic MQTT topic
To unsubscribe from a generic MQTT topic, you only need to provide the topic:
- topic: the mqtt topic
await iotflows.unsubscribeMQTT('v1/organizations/92c2ddd58730dc9b4e9bb620e7ebcaf5/#')