> Delegates fuse.js fuzzy search to a worker thread.
Delegates fuse.js fuzzy search to a worker thread.
npm install @iosio/fuse-worker
Requires configuring your build system to copy the worker file from node_modules to the root of the build destination where the application is served from.
Copy path: 'node_modules/@iosio/fuse-worker/lib/fuse.worker.js'
(As of now, version 3.4.5 of fuse.js is bundled with the worker file)
To create a new fuse worker, import FuseWorker and call the factory function that creates and connects to a web worker.
import {FuseWorker} from '@iosio/fuse-worker';
const fuse = FuseWorker({
workerURL: './path/to/fuse.worker.js', // defaults to './fuse.worker.js'.
list: [], //optionally pass the list to perform the search in, or set the list using fuse.set({list}) .
options: {}, //optionally merge options into the default fuse.js options config or use fuse.set({options}) .
fuse options: See https://fusejs.io/ for more info on fuse.js and the available options. The following is what exists as the default options.
let options = {
shouldSort: true,
minMatchCharLength: 1,
findAllMatches: true,
keys: ['name'],
maxPatternLength: 50,
threshold: 0.4,
distance: 1000,
location: 0,
...options //any options you pass will be merged in here
fuse.set As stated above, the list and options on the fuse worker instance may be updated by calling fuse.set
list: [...your_new_list_to_search_in],
options: {...any_new_options}
fuse.search To perform a search, call fuse.search passing a string text value as the first argument and a callback function as the second argument.
fuse.search('some value to search for', (results) => {
console.log('the results from fuse.js', results)