cli for generating, developing and bundling modern web apps and libraries
Cli for generating, developing and bundling modern web apps and libraries
Awesome for building preact/react or web component libraries and apps!
- all the rollup and babel stuff is figured out for you behind the scenes
- live reloading dev server
- optional multiBuildApp mode for legacy browsers using System es module shims.
- conditional polyfills for web apps
- file/image asset bundling
- post css loader
- minifies and autoprefixes css template tag literals with keyword 'jcss'.
- minifies tag template literals using keyword 'minify'
- ..and more
mkdir my_app
cd my_app
npx @iosio/create-x-project
npm install -g @iosio/create-x-project
mkdir my_app
cd my_app
follow the prompts then run npm/yarn install.
(x is just an alias to create-x-project command)
x start
starts the dev server at port:3000 and watches for file changes: src > build.
x build_app
creates a production build for a web application: src > build.
x build_lib
creates a production library as a npm installable es module: src > lib.
x serve_build
serves up the build
Command line options
change the current working directory
x start --cwd some/other/directory
selects a override options from your configuration object
Specify which envs to use in your config
x start --project demo --app_env dev
List cli options
Configuration (optional)
Define optional configuration JSON object in package.json as xProjectConfig
"name": "my_app",
"verson": "1.0.0",
You may instead export default a configuration object from xProjectConfig.js at the root of the project directory
// xProjectConfig.js
module.exports = {
Configuration Properties
export default {
//js entry point
// may pass an array, comma separated string or glob patter "src/*"
input: /*default*/ '/src/index.js',
//location of index.html file. entry (input) script is automatically inserted at build time
html: /*default*/ '/src/index.html',
//location where the dev build is placed and served from
output: /*default*/ '/build', // will output to /lib by default when the command build_lib is used
//browserlist target browsers
browsers: /*default*/
[ // looks for browserlist in package.json if none provided, else defaults to these for multiBuildApp
"last 2 Chrome major versions",
"last 2 ChromeAndroid major versions",
"last 2 Firefox major versions",
"last 2 Edge major versions",
"last 2 Safari major versions",
"last 2 iOS major versions"
//browserlist specific to css auto prefixer in case it differs from js
cssBrowsers: /*default*/ browsers, //uses the browsers option if none provided
//if true, creates an additional legacy build
// @TODO: needs work
// multiBuildApp: /*default*/ undefined,
//set to false to disable conditional polyfills
polyfills: /*default*/true,
//compresses code using terser
compress: /*default*/ true,
// specify the output format. uses 'modern' and 'system' for multi build apps
format: /*default*/ 'modern', // umd,es,iife... see rollup docs for more info on supported formats
//jsx pragma
jsx: /*default*/ 'h',
//jsx pragmaFrag
jsxFragment: /*default*/ 'Fragment',
//set sourcemap to false to disable sourcemapping
sourcemap: /*default*/ true,
//Enforce undefined global context and add "use strict"
strict: /*default*/ undefined,
//node or web
target: /*default*/ 'web',
// pass an array of files to copy from input to output
// ex: ['node_modules/@iosio/fuse-worker/lib/fuse.worker.js', 'src/imgs/favicon.co']
copyConfig: /*default*/ undefined,
//Replace constants with hard-coded values
define: /*default*/ undefined, // 'API_KEY=1234,hello="asdf"'
//Specify globals dependencies, or 'none'
globals: /*default*/ undefined,
//specify external dependencies or 'none'. 'none' bundles everything
external: /*default*/ undefined, // pass comma separated values 'chartist,some,external,dependency'
//alias imported dependencies
alias: /*default*/ undefined, //ex: 'react=preact/compat',
//specify extensions to files you'd like to import as strings (such as markdown and html files)
importAsString: /*default*/ undefined,
//rollup-plugin-string options
// Required to be specified
include: "**/*.html",
// Undefined by default
exclude: ["**/index.html"]
//live reloading dev server. see https://browsersync.io/docs/options for more info.
devServer: /*default*/ undefined,
historyApiFallback,//(default: true) set this to false for non SPA builds
baseDir, // uses the the primary config 'output' option
// all other options map to browsersync config. see browsersync docs
//environment variables. see next section for explanation
envs: /*default*/ undefined
Environment Variables
Define environment variables in the config object under 'envs' as an object where the key represents the environment you are serving/building. You may use the '--app_env' flag to set this via script/command line'
// example:
xProjectConfig: {
envs: {
dev: {
API_URL: 'http://app.dev.com/api',
SOME_OTHER_ENDPOINT: 'https://someotherendpoint.com'
API_URL: 'http://app.prod.com/api',
SOME_OTHER_ENDPOINT: 'https://someotherendpoint.com'
To apply the env variables, add the env name to the second argument on the x cli command:
x build prod
you may now access the env vars in your js files:
fetch(process.env.API_URL + '/get-stuff');
//build prod logs: 'http://app.prod.com/api/get-stuff'
minify and auto prefix css tagged template literals as so
//no import required, just use the keyword "jcss" and the bundler will
// remove it and process the css.
const minified_and_autoprefixed_css_string = jcss`
user-select: none;
//You may configure the target browsers on the browsers property of the config object.
//Depending on the target, the output might look something like this:
const minified_and_autoprefixed_css_string = `.noSelect{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}`;
minify tagged template literals as so
//no import required, just use the keyword "minify" and the bundler will
// remove it and leave just the string.
const minified_string = minify`
remove white space
const minified_string = `<div>remove white space</div>`;
project overrides
By passing and option to the flag '--project', you can override the options in the config object. The options under the specified project will be prioritized over the other properties.
"xProjectConfig": {
"project": {
"demo": {
"input": "demo/src/index.js",
"html": "demo/src/index.html",
"output": "demo/build"
"input": "src/*"
Running the following in the command line will build an app from 'demo/src/index.js' to 'demo/build'
x build_app --project demo