A collection of methods I keep seeing myself using, so I decided to optimize them and put them in a package.
Custom Methods
A collection of methods I keep seeing myself using, so I decided to optimize them and put them in a package.
Offers TypeScript support.
npm i @ionutinit/custom-methods
Capitalizes the first letter of a string or each element in an array of strings.
capitalize(string | string[]) => string | string[]
Optional parameters (string only)
When provided a string, an optional style parameter can be invoked to capitalize each word or sentence respectively.
capitalize(string, { style: "word" | "sentence" });
// "Hello"
capitalize(["good", "day"]);
// ["Good". "Day"]
capitalize("hello. how are you?", { style: "word" });
// "Hello. How Are You?"
capitalize("hello. how are you?", { style: "sentence" });
// "Hello. How are you?"
Creates grammatical concord (agreement) between a string and an associated number.
If the first argument is a string, it parses it into a number
concord(number | string, string) => string
Optional parameters
number | string,
pluralForm?: string,
round?: {-1 | 1 | true | false}
pluralForm: provides the plural form of the string; useful for irregular nouns, otherwise defaults to string + s
round: rounds the number into an integer according to criteria provided; defaults to false
true: rounds up or down, according to decimal value
-1: rounds down
1: rounds up
concord(0, "item");
// "no items"
concord(1, "item");
// "1 item"
concord("2", "item");
// "2 items"
concord(1, "leaf", "leaves");
// "1 leaf"
concord(3, "leaf", "leaves");
// "3 leaves"
concord("5.25", "item", { round: 1 });
// "6 items"
concord("5.95", "leaf", "leaves", { round: 1 });
// "5 leaves"
Returns a natural-language enumeration of an array of strings.
enumerate(string[]) => string
Optional parameters
limit?: number,
tail?: number,
options?: {unique: boolean}
limit: sets the length of the had of the output enumeration, followed by "..."
tail: sets the length of the tail of the output enumeration; works only in conjunction with limit; it is ignored if is larger or equal than the limit or the remainder of the array
unique: only a list of the unique elements of the array is enumerated; defaults to false
enumerate(["one", "two"]);
// "one and two"
enumerate(["one", "two", "three"]);
// "one, two and three"
enumerate(["one", "two", "three", "four"]);
// "one, two, three and four"
enumerate(["one", "two", "three", "four"], { limit: 2 });
// "one, two..."
enumerate(["one", "one", "two", "two", "three", "three", "four", "four"], {
limit: 2,
unique: true,
// "one, two..."
enumerate(["one", "one", "two", "two", "three", "three", "four", "four"], {
limit: 1,
tail: 1,
unique: true,
// "one... four"
enumerate(["one", "two", "three", "four"], { limit: 2, tail: 4 });
// "one, two..."
A simple pipeline function
pipeline( ...args: function) => any
const increment = (x) => x + 1;
const double = (x) => x * 2;
const toString = (x) => x.toString();
const piped = pipe(increment, double, toString);
// "6"
Returns a text reduced to the full word or sentence nearest to the limit provided. The limit refers to the length of the string.
The default characters for the limit are . ! ? .
reduceText(string, number) => string
Optional parameters
params?: string,
params: provide customs characters to be considered as the limit; each individual character is taken into consideration separately
reduceText("Hello. How are you? I'm fine!", 14);
// "Hello. How are you?"
// The limits taken into consideration are 5 (.), 18 (?), 28 (!). Closest to the limit provided is "?", so the string is cut at that point
reduceText("Hello. How are you? I'm fine!", 7);
// "Hello."
reduceText("Hello. How are you? I'm fine!", 1, "?");
// "Hello. How are you?"
reduceText("Hello. How are you? I'm fine!", 1, " ");
// "Hello." -> if a blank space is provided as param, it returns the words up the limit provided