React specific proxies for @ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets
Demo Weather Widgets - React
This is a sample custom element library that contains some simple weather related elements. This library contains the following custom elements:
- Simple
- csdemo-temperature - takes a temperature in Kelvin and displays the value in either Celsius or Fahrenheit
- csdemo-uv-index - takes a UV Index value and displays the value with a description and color coding
- csdemo-condition - given a mapping of condition types to image URLs and a condition code, determines which code to use and displays the image with a label
- Compound
- csdemo-daily-forecast - condition, date, low, high
npm i @ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets-react
Handling Icons
This library includes a set of images under node_modules/@ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets/dist/images
. If you copy all of these images to public/assets/images
they will be automatically loaded by the components that need them.
You are also free to use your own images, copy them to a different location, and/or name some of the images differently.
If you use a different location or name, you need to let the components know the proper paths or names through a mapping. For example:
const icons = {
sunny: 'alt-location/images/sunny.png',
cloudy: 'alt-location/images/cloudy.png',
lightRain: 'alt-location/images/light-rain.png',
shower: 'alt-location/images/shower.png',
sunnyThunderstorm: 'alt-location/images/sunny-tstorm.png',
thunderstorm: 'alt-location/images/tstorm.png',
fog: 'alt-location/images/fog.png',
snow: 'alt-location/images/snow.png',
unknown: 'alt-location/images/unknown.png',
You can also use a partial mapping if only a couple of names have changed:
const icons = {
sunnyThunderstorm: 'assets/images/partial-tstorm.png',
unknown: 'assets/images/dunno.png',
The overrides can be specified on any component that has a iconPaths
<CsdemoCondition condition="200" iconPaths={icons} />
<CsdemoDailyForecast scale={scale} forecasts={dailyForecast} iconPaths={icons} />
Displays the temperature
, supplied in Kelvin, in the specified scale
(C or F).
import { useState } from 'react';
import { CsdemoTemperature } from '@ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets-react';
const SomePage: React.FC = () => {
const [scale, setScale] = useState('F');
return (
onClick={() => setScale(scale === 'F' ? 'C' : 'F')}
Displays the current condition in both text and icon form. The condition is one of the condition codes used by OpenWeatherMap.org.
import { CsdemoCondition } from '@ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets-react';
const SomePage: React.FC = () => {
return (
<CsdemoCondition condition="200" />
Displays the UV index along with a risk level, in a color appropriate for the level of risk.
import { CsdemoUvIndex } from '@ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets-react';
const SomePage: React.FC = () => {
return (
<CsdemoUvIndex uvIndex="2.5" />
Displays the forecast for a given day.
import { useState } from 'react';
import { CsdemoDailyForecast } from '@ionic-enterprise/cs-demo-weather-widgets-react';
const SomePage: React.FC = () => {
const [scale, setScale] = useState('F');
const dailyForecast: Forecast = data;
return (
<CsdemoDailyForecast scale={scale} forecast={dailyForecast} />
The forecast property is a forecast data object in the following format:
export interface Forecast {
date: Date;
condition: number;
low: number;
high: number;
The low and high temperatures are specified in Kelvin.
The condition is one of the condition codes used by OpenWeatherMap.org.
That is it. We also have a demo application you can check out if you would like to.
Happy Coding!!