Postgres storage module for node-ts-cache
Postgres storage module for node-ts-cache.
This module is driver-agnostic. It expects you to bring your own raw query method - something most of the postgres available drivers provide. The driver needs to support the question-mark notation for prepared statements.
yarn add @ioki/node-ts-cache @ioki/node-ts-cache-storage-pg
In this example, node-postgres (pg) is being used. You should to provide a table with the following columns:
* key: text
value: jsonb
The query function should return an array of objects: { key: string, value: CacheItem }[]
import { PgStorage } from "@ioki/node-ts-cache-storage-pg"
import { Cache, CacheContainer } from "@ioki/node-ts-cache"
import Client from "pg"
const client = new Client()
await client.connect()
const storage = new PgStorage(tableName, async (query) => (await new Client().query(query)).rows)
const userCache = new CacheContainer(storage)
class MyService {
@Cache(userCache, { ttl: 60 })
public async getUsers(): Promise<string[]> {
return ["Max", "User"]