An infinite scroller web component.
Internet Archive Infinite Scroller
This is an infinite scroller web component, created with Lit. It detects when the user scrolls near the bottom to allow the consumer to fetch more data. It makes efficient use of browser resources by removing cells that are offscreen and loading a buffer of around either end of the visible cells to to preload cells before scrolling them into view.
// Have your component or a standalone datasource object
// implement the `InfiniteScrollerCellProviderInterface`,
// which has 1 method: `cellForIndex(index: number): TemplateResult | undefined`
class MyElement extends LitElement implements InfiniteScrollerCellProviderInterface {
// infinite-scroller will call your method when it needs a cell at a given index
cellForIndex(index: number): TemplateResult | undefined {
const useTile1 = Math.random() < 0.5;
if (useTile1) {
return html`<tile-1>${index}</tile-1>`;
} else {
return html`<tile-2>${index}</tile-2>`;
// when the user has scrolled to a certain point, it will emit a
// `scrollThresholdReached` event, at which point you can fetch
// more data and increase the `itemCount`
scrollThresholdReached() {
this.infiniteScroller.itemCount += 50;
// using infinite-scroller:
// - `itemCount`: update this value when you want to display more data
// - `cellProvider`: the data source for the cells that will have `cellForIndex(index:number)`
// - `placeholderCell`: provide it a custom placeholder cell if you'd like
// - `@scrollThresholdReached`: a listener for when the user nears the bottom to fetch more
render() {
return html`
Local Demo with web-dev-server
yarn start
To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html
Testing with Web Test Runner
To run the suite of Web Test Runner tests, run
yarn run test
To run the tests in watch mode (for <abbr title="test driven development">TDD</abbr>, for example), run
yarn run test:watch
Linting with ESLint, Prettier, and Types
To scan the project for linting errors, run
yarn run lint
You can lint with ESLint and Prettier individually as well
yarn run lint:eslint
yarn run lint:prettier
To automatically fix many linting errors, run
yarn run format
You can format using ESLint and Prettier individually as well
yarn run format:eslint
yarn run format:prettier
Tooling configs
For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json
to reduce the amount of files in your project.
If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.