Nestjs logger module designed by intelika-ai team
Streamline your app's logging with @Intelika/logger, the ultimate tool for sending logs to Discord, Telegram, and beyond with just one line of code.
Use the package manager of your choice to install the package:
npm install @intelika/logger
yarn add @intelika/logger
the package can be used in any JavaScript or TypeScript project. Here are some examples of how to use it in different environments.
[!NOTE] The package is designed to be used with TypeScript, but it can also be used in JavaScript projects.
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { LogModule } from '@intelika/logger';
imports: [
isGlobal: true,
discordWebhook: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...' // optional
providers: [],
exports: [],
export class AppModule {}
// cats.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { LogService } from '@intelika/logger';
export class CatsService {
constructor(private readonly logger: LogService) {}
findAll(): string {
return 'This action returns all cats';
findOne(id: number): string {
return `This action returns a #${id} cat`;
everywhere else
import { LogService, Emitter } from '@intelika/logger';
const logger = new LogService('myContext');
// --- OR ---
// const logger = new LogService({
// context: 'myContext',
// discordWebhook: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...'
// })
// const logger = new LogService({
// telegram: {
// chatId: '1234567890',
// token: '1234567890:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11'
// },
// context: 'myContext'
// })
// const logger = new LogService(bootstrap.name)
// Log a message to the console
logger.log('Hello, world!').into(Emitter.CONSOLE);
// Log a warning to Discord
logger.warn('Something might be wrong...').into(Emitter.DISCORD);
// Log an error to Telegram
logger.error('Something went wrong!').into(Emitter.TELEGRAM);
const logger = new LogService({ telegram: { chatId: '1234567890', token: '1234567890:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11' }, context: 'myContext' })
you can use the telegram emitter by providing the chatId and the token of your bot.
const logger = new LogService({ discordWebhook: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/...', context: 'myContext' })
you can use the discord emitter by providing the webhook url.
const logService = new LogService('TestContext', { file: { path: './logs', includeDateInFilename: true, fileFormat: 'log', messageFormat: 'DATE - LEVEL | CONTEXT | MESSAGE' } })
you can use the file emitter by providing the path of the file, the file format, and the message format.
you can find more examples in the examples directory.
The main class of the package. Use it to create a new logger.
constructor(context: string | OptionsWithContext)
Creates a new logger. The context can be a string or an object with options.
log(...msg: any[])
Logs a message with the level 'INFO'.
warn(...msg: any[])
Logs a message with the level 'WARN'.
error(...msg: any[])
Logs a message with the level 'ERROR'.
This class is used internally to create a new message.
context(context: string)
Sets the context of the message.
is(level: LogLevel)
Sets the level of the message.
into(emitter: Emitter)
Sends the message to the specified emitter.
The package supports the following emitters:
- CONSOLE: Logs the message to the console.
- DISCORD: Sends the message to a Discord channel.
- TELEGRAM: Sends the message to a Telegram chat.
- FILE: Logs the message to a file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.