NestJS Slack listeners and handlers
yarn add nestjs-slack-listener
Please refer to the example for more details.
Import SlackModule
Import the module at your app module.
imports: [
ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
useFactory: async (config: ConfigService<EnvVars>) => ({
botToken: config.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'),
inject: [ConfigService],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
Event and Interactivity Subscription
You need to set event and interactivity subscriptions URL of your slack app so that the app can receive events and interactivity from slack.
- Event subscription
- https://api.slack.com/apps/your-app-id/event-subscriptions
- Interactivity subscription
- https://api.slack.com/apps/your-app-id/interactive-messages
Slack Event
Decorate the controller to use it as slack event listener.
export class OnBoardingController {}
Decorate the method of the controller to use it as slack event handler.
export class OnBoardingController {
constructor(private readonly onboardingService: OnBoardingService) {}
async onTeamJoin({ event: { user } }: IncomingSlackEvent<TeamJoinEvent>) {
this.onboardingService.startOnBoarding({ user });
Slack Interactivity
You can also decorate the listeners and handlers for slack-interactivity.
export class OnBoardingController {
constructor(private readonly onboardingService: OnBoardingService) {}
async onTeamJoin({ event: { user } }: IncomingSlackEvent<TeamJoinEvent>) {
this.onboardingService.startOnBoarding({ user });
async completeOnBoarding({
user: { id: userSlackId },
actions: [{ value }],
}: IncomingSlackInteractivity) {
return this.onboardingService.completeOnBoarding({ userSlackId, value });
Filter the events with function argument filter
and string argument eventType
of the decorator SlackEventHandler
export class MemoController {
constructor(private readonly memoService: MemoService) {}
eventType: 'message',
filter: ({ event }) => event.text.includes('write this down!'),
async takeMemo({ event: { message } }: IncomingSlackEvent<MessageEvent>) {
this.memoService.takeMemo({ message });
You can also filter the events at the decorator SlackEventListener
@SlackEventListener(({ event }) => event.channel === MEMO_CHANNEL)
export class OnBoardingController {
constructor(private readonly memoService: MemoService) {}
eventType: 'message',
filter: ({ event }) => event.text.includes('write this down!'),
async onTeamJoin({ event: { user } }: IncomingSlackEvent<MessageEvent>) {
this.memoService.takeMemo({ message });
Slack Client
Use InjectSlackClient
to use the slack web api client.
export class OnBoardingService {
private readonly userRepository: UserRepository,
private readonly slack: SlackClient,
) {}
The injected SlackClient
is identical to the official Slack Web API Client
await this.slack.chat.postMessage({
channel: user.id,
text: 'Hi there! 👋🏻',
blocks: [
type: 'header',
text: {
type: 'plain_text',
text: 'Hi there! 👋🏻',
type: 'section',
text: {
type: 'mrkdwn',
text: `Hello! Nice to meet you, ${user.name}! I'm *hanch*, a slack bot that helps you with onboarding process.`,