This is instill-ai's design token
Instill design token
This repo stores all the design tokens we use in our design.
How to use
In your Figma, press the run button and select "Send Design Tokens to Url"
"URL Export settings" section
- Select "Comporess JSON output"
"Server settings" section
- "Event type" = update-tokens
- "Server url" = https://api.github.com/repos/instill-ai/design-token/dispatches
- "Access header" = application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json
- "Content-Type header" = text/plain;charset=UTF-8
- "Auth type" = Select "(Github) token"
- "Access token" = Input Instill ai GitHub bot access token
"About This Export" section
- "Commit Message" - blank
- Click "Save & Export" button
Github repo - instill-ai/design-token
Once you successfully export the token, there should have a new automated-pr in this repo's pull request. Inform the repo owner and merge this PR.
How it works
- We use lukasoppermann/design-tokens to transform the Figma preset style into design-token (It can also transform customized tokens).
- lukasoppermann/design-tokens will dispatch the newly generated token into instill-ai/design-token repo. There has a dispatch-new-token action which will operate once the dispatch event is fired. This action will store and transform the tokened in local and file a PR.
- Once you merge this auto-generated PR into the main branch, release-please action will be activated and arrange a new release.
- After you merge the release PR into the main branch, it will trigger release action which will build the package and publish it to the npm registry.