Deploy Instant API to select providers
Simple deployments
Deploy to AWS ElasticBeanstalk
Deploy packages to AWS Elastic Beanstalk easily. Used by the Instant CLI to automate Elastic Beanstalk deployments.
It can be used with the @instant.dev/encrypt to
automatically encrypt .env
files stored in plaintext, with the encryption keys
loaded into ElasticBeanstalk at runtime as environment variables.
import { DeploymentManager } from '@instant.dev/deploy';
import EncryptionTools from '@instant.dev/encrypt';
const envName = `staging`;
// Prepare to encrypt .env file
const et = new EncryptionTools();
// Loads deployment variables from ".deployconfig.staging" INI-format file
const dm = new DeploymentManager(`.deployconfig.${envName}`);
// Encrypts `.env.staging` as `.env` in final package
// Also deletes all files matching `.env.*` from final package
const {files, env} = et.encryptEnvFileFromPackage(
// Reads all files in this directory, stores them in files {} object
// Deploys to ElasticBeanstalk
let deployResult = await dm.deployToElasticBeanstalk(files, envName, env);
app_url: 'my-app.elasticbeanstalk.com',
dashboard_url: 'https://console.aws.amazon.com/...'
Special thank you to Scott Gamble who helps run all of the front-of-house work for instant.dev 💜!
| Destination | Link | | ----------- | ---- | | Home | instant.dev | | GitHub | github.com/instant-dev | | Discord | discord.gg/puVYgA7ZMh | | X / instant.dev | x.com/instantdevs | | X / Keith Horwood | x.com/keithwhor | | X / Scott Gamble | x.com/threesided |