A TypeScript MongoDB transport for winston.
Winston MongoDB transport
A easy to use Winston 3.x transport for MongoDB.
:hammer_and_wrench: Installation
To import the library you just need to run this command :
npm install @innova2/winston-mongodb
Make sure you have Winston, otherwise run this command :
npm install winston
:memo: Usage
Instantiate the MongoTransport and pass options:
const mongoTransport = new MongoTransport({
connectionString: 'your mongo connection string',
dbName: 'your database name',
collectionName: 'your collection name',
isCollectionCapped: true,
cappedSize: 100000000, // 100 Mo
clientOptions: {
maxPoolSize: 10,
The collection will be automatically created if it does not exist.
Look at the available options:
export interface MongoTransportOptions extends TransportStreamOptions {
* Connection URI.
connectionString: string;
* Optional. Options on creation of Mongo connection.
clientOptions?: MongoClientOptions;
* Name of the database.
dbName: string;
* Name of the collection.
* The collection is auto-generated if it does not exist.
collectionName: string;
* Is collection capped (size limitation).
isCollectionCapped: boolean;
* Optional. Size limit in bytes of the capped collection.
cappedSize?: number;
* Optional. Flat map meta properties (spread out at the root of the Mongo document).
metaDataToFlatten?: string[];
Specific document structure
You can override the type corresponding to the document structure by passing the type to generic of constructor.
Look at the base log interface:
export interface BaseLogDocument extends OptionalId<Document> {
level: string;
message: string;
meta?: object;
timestamp: string;
For example, you want to add 'context' and 'module' fields. Just create a custom log interface by extending BaseLogDocument like:
export interface CustomLog extends BaseLogDocument {
context: string;
module: string;
And configure your instance like:
const mongoTransport = new MongoTransport<CustomLog>({
connectionString: 'your mongo connection string',
dbName: 'your database name',
collectionName: 'your collection name',
isCollectionCapped: true,
cappedSize: 100000000, // 100 Mo
clientOptions: {
maxPoolSize: 10,
// don't forget the metaDataToFlatten, so that
// this metadata is at the top level of the document
metaDataToFlatten: ['module', 'context'],
Please note that changing the type it has no impact on database structure. It's only useful when retrieving logs or directly the collection (
). The document structure in the database depending on winston logs structure.
Example of logging with Nest:
// Logging interceptor
message: 'HTTP call',
// Metadata (meta object in DB)
method: req.method,
path: req.url,
statusCode: res.statusCode,
responseTimeInMs: endDate - startDate
[ctrlName, methodName].join(LOG_CTX_SEPARATOR), // Context (flattened by 'metaDataToFlatten' option)
// Simple formatting logs
const formattingLog = winston.format(entry => ({
module: 'API', // Flattened by 'metaDataToFlatten' option
export default async (mongoTransport: MongoTransport): Promise<WinstonModuleOptions> => ({
format: winston.format.combine(formattingLog(), winston.format.json()),
transports: [mongoTransport],
Retrieve logs
You can use the query() method like:
timestamp: {
$gte: new Date(...),
$lte: new Date(...),
The result type is: Promise<T[]>
. T is BaseLogDocument or your custom type.
If you want paginated date, just push 'limit' option:
timestamp: {
$gte: new Date(...),
$lte: new Date(...),
}, { limit: 20 }); // First page
The result type is: Promise<PaginatedDataDto<T>>
. T is BaseLogDocument or your custom type.
To reach another page:
timestamp: {
$gte: new Date(...),
$lte: new Date(...),
}, { limit: 20, skip: 20 }); // Second page
You can also directly use the collection Mongo object by calling transport.getCollection()
:balance_scale: Licence
:busts_in_silhouette: Authors
:handshake: Contributors
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