All Innotec Workshop Glyphs
This project contains the vector graphics and the created fonts (icons) used by the werbasinnotec webprojects.
is the folder containing all the original vector graphics in SVG-Format (note that this folder is not obligatory added to the werbasinnotec projects once we want to use/reference the existing icons in our code).
is the folder containing the complete font package generated from the fonts plateforme https://icomoon.io/app/#/select/font which is used to render the fonts as following formats
- svg
- wof
- eot
- ttf
/!\ Note: this folder is the only one needed to be included into the webproject/src/assets/ with a folder name /workshopfonts/ insteread of /rendered/
What's included?
Once you want to check the work on the werbasinnotec/workshop-glyphs then please clone this repo and open the file rendered/demo.html
in your favorite webbrowser to get all glyphs listed with their css class-names.
/!\ Note: the css class-names used in order to reference the icons in our source code could have multiple sub-elements, as it is the case with the icon-NEW-ICON, due to the svg layer concept, for example:
Do you want to add new Icons?
Once you would like to add a new svg icon to the existing icon collection, then just:
- Navigate to https://icomoon.io/app/#/projects
- Click on the appropriate project to extend its icon collection, in our case, it is werbasinnotec
- Click on load. Then once the existing icons are listed, you can (un)select from them. The number of selected icons in from the package will be displayed in the bottom of the page.
- Click on Generate Font in order to list all the current package/project contained icons, with their visual output as their principal class-name.
- Before you download the icons package be sure that the icons are well defined, regarding their images dimension (if not you can select and edit the scale, color ..etc) but also their Tags and names and other functionalities will be available on the same page https://icomoon.io/app/#/select/font.
- Once you are satisfied with the current icons package content then click on Downmload from the page https://icomoon.io/app/#/select/font
- The folder you have dowloaded is the new folder rendered. Its content is supposed to be stored into the src/assets/workshopfonts/
- That's all. Now you can reference the icons the way it is done inside the src/assets/workshopfonts/demo.html
- Enjoy!
- Download the fonts from https://github.com/werbasinnotec/workshop-glyphs/tree/master/rendered/fonts and place it into a folder of your webproject called
- Download the stylesheet from https://github.com/werbasinnotec/workshop-glyphs/blob/master/rendered/style.css.
- link to the stylesheet from your website: eg. like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
- Add your fonts at the desired places inside your html-code eg. via
<span class="icon-sparkplug"></span>
to add the icon of a spark plug. - As long as the font is monochrome, it will adapt your color-settings from your own css. Eg. if you have hyperlinks in blue, these glyphs will get blue es well, if their span is inside a hyperlink-tag.