This is an NPM package which provides some features like sending the slack notifications, custom exception handlers, class validators and much more..
This is an NPM package which provides some features like sending the slack notifications, custom exception handlers, class validators and much more..
What is this repository for?
- This is to provide a pre defined set of functions that can be used wherever needed
How do I get set up?
- To set up this NPM package on your node project, you'll need to follow this steps
First Install this package using
npm i @innofulfill/core-node-library
yarn add @innofulfill/core-node-library
- Configuration
There are some required env variable that needs to be set up on your project to use this package.
configure these env variables on your project
SLACK_TOKEN= - this will the slack token for your organiation
SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=. - this will be the channel's unique id.
- Use Case
Here's an example payload to send notifications in slack channels
title: 'Hello, world!',
details: {
message: 'Hello, world!',
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://example.com',
responseStatus: 200,
trace: {
key: 'domain',
value: 'example.com',
link: 'https://example.com',
metadata: {
user: 'John Doe',
trace: {
key: 'domain',
value: 'example.com',
link: 'https://example.com',
traces: [
key: 'domain',
value: 'example.com',
link: 'https://example.com',
threads: {
threadMessage: {
message: 'Hello, world!',
title - represents the title of the slack notifications (Bold in nature)
details - represents the basic details that will be visible in the block
metadata - represents the metadata informations (optional)
trace - represents the block including some kind of tracable links in it
traces - usefull in case of need to add multiple links in the payload
threads - represents the thread block, any data passed in this will be treated as thread message
Who do I talk to?
In case of any questions or queries you can reach out to
- Repo owner or admin
- Other community or team contact