aliyun oss(object storage service) node client
aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) js client for Node and Browser env.
: For SDK 5.X
document, please go to README.md
npm install ali-oss --save
Node.js >= 8.0.0 required. You can use 4.x in Node.js < 8.
- IE >= 10 & Edge
- Major versions of Chrome/Firefox/Safari
- Major versions of Android/iOS/WP
- For Lower browsers you can refer to PostObject, if you want to see more practices ,please refer to Web Post
- QQ Browser ,we suggest config useFetch option false, it will upload with
, eg
let client = new OSS({
useFetch: false
OSS Usage
OSS, Object Storage Service. Equal to well known Amazon S3.
All operation use es7 async/await to implement. All api is async function.
- Node Usage
- Browser Usage
- Data Regions
- Create Account
- Create A Bucket Instance
- Bucket Operations
- Base
- Logging
- Website
- Referer
- Lifecycle
- Object Operations
- .list(query[, options])
- .put(name, file[, options])
- .putStream(name, stream[, options])
- .append(name, file[, options])
- .getObjectUrl(name[, baseUrl])
- .generateObjectUrl(name[, baseUrl])
- .head(name[, options])
- .get(name, file[, options])
- .getStream(name[, options])
- .delete(name[, options])
- .copy(name, sourceName[, options])
- .putMeta(name, meta[, options])
- .deleteMulti(names[, options])
- .signatureUrl(name[, options])
- .putACL(name, acl[, options])
- .getACL(name[, options])
- .restore(name[, options])
- .initMultipartUpload(name[, options])
- .uploadPart(name, uploadId, partNo, file, start, end[, options])
- .uploadPartCopy(name, uploadId, partNo, range, sourceData[, options])
- .completeMultipartUpload(name, uploadId, parts[, options])
- .multipartUpload(name, file[, options])
- .multipartUploadCopy(name, sourceData[, options])
- .listParts(name, uploadId[, query, options])
- .listUploads(query[, options])
- .abortMultipartUpload(name, uploadId[, options])
- RTMP Operations
- Create A Image Service Instance
- Image Operations
- imgClient.get(name, file[, options])
- imgClient.getStream(name[, options])
- imgClient.getExif(name[, options])
- imgClient.getInfo(name[, options])
- imgClient.putStyle(name, style[, options])
- imgClient.getStyle(name[, options])
- imgClient.listStyle([options])
- imgClient.deleteStyle(name[, options])
- imgClient.signatureUrl(name)
- Known Errors
Node Usage
- Node: >= 8.0.0
Basic usage
1.install SDK using npm
npm install ali-oss --save
2.for example:
const OSS = require('ali-oss');
const client = new OSS({
region: '<oss region>',
accessKeyId: '<Your accessKeyId>',
accessKeySecret: '<Your accessKeySecret>',
bucket: '<Your bucket name>'
Browser Usage
You can use most of the functionalities of ali-oss
in browser with
some exceptions:
- put object with streaming: no chunked encoding, we use multipart upload instead
- get object to local file: we cannot manipulate file system in browser, we provide signed object url for downloading needs
- bucket operations(listBuckets, putBucketLogging, etc) will fail: OSS server currently do not support CORS requests for bucket operations (will probably be fixed later)
- IE >= 10 & Edge
- Major versions of Chrome/Firefox/Safari
- Major versions of Android/iOS/WP
Note: Because some browsers do not support promises, you need to introduce promise compatible libraries. For example: IE10 and IE11 need to introduce a promise-polyfill.
Bucket setup
As browser-side javascript involves CORS operations. You need to setup your bucket CORS rules to allow CORS operations:
- set allowed origins to '*'
- allowed methods to 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD'
- set allowed headers to '*'
- expose 'ETag' in expose headers
STS setup
As we don't want to expose the accessKeyId/accessKeySecret in the browser, a [common practice][oss-sts] is to use STS to grant temporary access.
Basic usage
Include the sdk lib in the <script>
tag and you have OSS
for creating client.
// x.x.x The specific version number represented
// we recommend introducing offline resources, because the usability of online resources depends on the stability of the cdn server.
<!-- Introducing online resources -->
<script src="http://gosspublic.alicdn.com/aliyun-oss-sdk-x.x.x.min.js"></script>
<!-- Introducing offline resources -->
<script src="./aliyun-oss-sdk-x.x.x.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const client = new OSS({
region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
accessKeyId: '<access-key-id>',
accessKeySecret: '<access-key-secret>',
bucket: '<bucket-name>'
client.list().then((result) => {
console.log('objects: %j', result.objects);
return client.put('my-obj', new OSS.Buffer('hello world'));
}).then((result) => {
console.log('put result: %j', result);
return client.get('my-obj');
}).then((result) => {
console.log('get result: %j', result.content.toString());
The full sample can be found [here][browser-sample].
How to build
npm run build-dist
And see the build artifacts under dist/
Data Regions
region | country | city | endpoint | internal endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- oss-cn-hangzhou | China | HangZhou | oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-hangzhou-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-cn-shanghai | China | ShangHai | oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-shanghai-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-cn-qingdao | China | QingDao | oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-qingdao-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-cn-beijing | China | BeiJing | oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-cn-shenzhen | China | ShenZhen | oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-shenzhen-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-cn-hongkong | China | HongKong | oss-cn-hongkong.aliyuncs.com | oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-us-west-1 | US | Silicon Valley | oss-us-west-1.aliyuncs.com | oss-us-west-1-internal.aliyuncs.com oss-ap-southeast-1 | Singapore | Singapore | oss-ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com | oss-ap-southeast-1-internal.aliyuncs.com
Create Account
Go to OSS website, create a new account for new user.
After account created, you can create the OSS instance and get the accessKeyId
and accessKeySecret
Create A Bucket Instance
Each OSS instance required accessKeyId
, accessKeySecret
and bucket
Create a Bucket store instance.
- accessKeyId {String} access key you create on aliyun console website
- accessKeySecret {String} access secret you create
- [stsToken] {String} used by temporary authorization, detail see
- [bucket] {String} the default bucket you want to access
If you don't have any bucket, please use
create one first. - [endpoint] {String} oss region domain. It takes priority over
. - [region] {String} the bucket data region location, please see Data Regions,
default is
. - [internal] {Boolean} access OSS with aliyun internal network or not, default is
. If your servers are running on aliyun too, you can settrue
to save lot of money. - [secure] {Boolean} instruct OSS client to use HTTPS (secure: true) or HTTP (secure: false) protocol.
- [timeout] {String|Number} instance level timeout for all operations, default is
. - [cname] {Boolean}, default false, access oss with custom domain name. if true, you can fill
field with your custom domain name, - [isRequestPay] {Boolean}, default false, whether request payer function of the bucket is open, if true, will send headers
'x-oss-request-payer': 'requester'
to oss server. the details you can see requestPay - [useFetch] {Boolean}, default true, it just work in Browser, if true,it means upload object with
mode ,elseXMLHttpRequest
const oss = require('ali-oss');
const store = oss({
accessKeyId: 'your access key',
accessKeySecret: 'your access secret',
bucket: 'your bucket name',
region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou'
Bucket Operations
.listBuckets(query[, options])
List buckets in this account.
- [query] {Object} query parameters, default is
- [prefix] {String} search buckets using
key - [marker] {String} search start from
, includingmarker
key - [max-keys] {String|Number} max buckets, default is
, limit to1000
- [prefix] {String} search buckets using
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return buckets list on buckets
- buckets {Array} bucket meta info list
will contains blow properties:- name {String} bucket name
- region {String} bucket store data region, e.g.:
- creationDate {String} bucket create GMT date, e.g.:
- owner {Object} object owner, including
- isTruncated {Boolean} truncate or not
- nextMarker {String} next marker string
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- List top 10 buckets
"max-keys": 10
}).then((result) => {
.putBucket(name[, options])
Create a new bucket.
- name {String} bucket name If bucket exists and not belong to current account, will throw BucketAlreadyExistsError. If bucket not exists, will create a new bucket and set it's ACL.
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [StorageClass] {String} the storeage type include (Standard,IA,Archive)
Success will return the bucket name on bucket
- bucket {String} bucket name
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Create a bucket name
location on HongKong
store.putBucket('helloworld').then((result) => {
// use it by default
- Create a bucket name
location on HongKong StorageClassArchive
await store.putBucket('helloworld', { StorageClass: 'Archive' });
// use it by default
.deleteBucket(name[, options])
Delete an empty bucket.
- name {String} bucket name If bucket is not empty, will throw BucketNotEmptyError. If bucket is not exists, will throw NoSuchBucketError.
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Delete the exists 'helloworld' bucket on 'oss-cn-hongkong'
store.deleteBucket('helloworld').then((result) => {});
Use the bucket.
- name {String} bucket name
- Use
as the default bucket
Get bucket information,include CreationDate、ExtranetEndpoint、IntranetEndpoint、Location、Name、StorageClass、 Owner、AccessControlList
- name {String} bucket name
- Use
as the default bucket
store.getBucketInfo('helloworld').then( (res) => {
Get bucket location
- name {String} bucket name
- Use
as the default bucket
store.getBucketLocation('helloworld').then( (res) => {
.putBucketACL(name, acl[, options])
Update the bucket ACL.
- name {String} bucket name
- acl {String} access control list, current available:
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Set bucket
store.putBucketACL('helloworld', 'public-read-write').then((result) => {
.getBucketACL(name[, options])
Get the bucket ACL.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- acl {String} acl settiongs string
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Get bucket
store.getBucketACL('helloworld').then((result) => {
.putBucketLogging(name, prefix[, options])
Update the bucket logging settings.
Log file will create every one hour and name format: <prefix><bucket>-YYYY-mm-DD-HH-MM-SS-UniqueString
- name {String} bucket name
- [prefix] {String} prefix path name to store the log files
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Enable bucket
logging and save with prefixlogs/
store.putBucketLogging('helloworld', 'logs/').then((result) => {
.getBucketLogging(name[, options])
Get the bucket logging settings.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- enable {Boolean} enable logging or not
- prefix {String} prefix path name to store the log files, maybe
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Get bucket
logging settings
store.getBucketLogging('helloworld').then((result) => {
console.log(result.enable, result.prefix);
.deleteBucketLogging(name[, options])
Delete the bucket logging settings.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.putBucketWebsite(name, config[, options])
Set the bucket as a static website.
- name {String} bucket name
- config {Object} website config, contains blow properties:
- index {String} default page, e.g.:
- [error] {String} error page, e.g.: 'error.html'
- index {String} default page, e.g.:
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
store.putBucketWebsite('hello', {
index: 'index.html'
}).then((result) => {
.getBucketWebsite(name[, options])
Get the bucket website config.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- index {String} index page
- error {String} error page, maybe
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.deleteBucketWebsite(name[, options])
Delete the bucket website config.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.putBucketReferer(name, allowEmpty, referers[, options])
Set the bucket request Referer
white list.
- name {String} bucket name
- allowEmpty {Boolean} allow empty request referer or not
- referers {Array}
white list, e.g.:[ 'https://npm.taobao.org', 'http://cnpmjs.org' ]
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
store.putBucketReferer('hello', false, [
]).then((result) => {
.getBucketReferer(name[, options])
Get the bucket request Referer
white list.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- allowEmpty {Boolean} allow empty request referer or not
- referers {Array}
white list - res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.deleteBucketReferer(name[, options])
Delete the bucket request Referer
white list.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.putBucketLifecycle(name, rules[, options])
Set the bucket object lifecycle.
- name {String} bucket name
- rules {Array} rule config list, each
will contains blow properties:- [id] {String} rule id, if not set, OSS will auto create it with random string.
- prefix {String} store prefix
- status {String} rule status, allow values:
- [days] {Number|String} expire after the
- [date] {String} expire date, e.g.:
only set one.
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
store.putBucketLifecycle('hello', [
id: 'delete after one day',
prefix: 'logs/',
status: 'Enabled',
days: 1
prefix: 'logs2/',
status: 'Disabled',
date: '2022-10-11T00:00:00.000Z'
]).then((result) => {});
.getBucketLifecycle(name[, options])
Get the bucket object lifecycle.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- rules {Array} the lifecycle rule list
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.deleteBucketLifecycle(name[, options])
Delete the bucket object lifecycle.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.putBucketCORS(name, rules[, options])
Set CORS rules of the bucket object
- name {String} bucket name
- rules {Array} rule config list, each
will contains below properties:- allowedOrigin {String/Array} configure for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
- allowedMethod {String/Array} configure for Access-Control-Allow-Methods header
- [allowedHeader] {String/Array} configure for Access-Control-Allow-Headers header
- [exposeHeader] {String/Array} configure for Access-Control-Expose-Headers header
- [maxAgeSeconds] {String} configure for Access-Control-Max-Age header
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
store.putBucketCORS('hello', [
allowedOrigin: '*',
allowedMethod: [
]).then((result) => {});
.getBucketCORS(name[, options])
Get CORS rules of the bucket object.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- rules {Array} the CORS rule list
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
.deleteBucketCORS(name[, options])
Delete CORS rules of the bucket object.
- name {String} bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
Object Operations
All operations function return Promise, except signatureUrl
.put(name, file[, options])
Add an object to the bucket.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- file {String|Buffer|ReadStream|File(only support Browser)|Blob(only support Browser)} object local path, content buffer or ReadStream content instance use in Node, Blob and html5 File
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with
entity header - [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string e.g.:{ uid: 123, pid: 110 }
- [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see
- url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.
- [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.
- body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=$(key)&etag=$(etag)&my_var=$(x:my_var).
- [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.
- [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values
var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
- 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.:
Content-Disposition: somename
- 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip
- 'Expires' expires time (milliseconds) for download, e.g.:
Expires: 3600000
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Success will return the object information.
- name {String} object name
- data {Object} callback server response data, sdk use JSON.parse() return
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Add an object through local file path
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.put('ossdemo/demo.txt', filepath).then((result) => {
name: 'ossdemo/demo.txt',
res: {
status: 200,
headers: {
date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
'content-length': '0',
connection: 'close',
etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
server: 'AliyunOSS',
'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829244'
size: 0,
rt: 92
- Add an object through content buffer
store.put('ossdemo/buffer', new Buffer('foo content')).then((result) => {
name: 'ossdemo/buffer',
url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/buffer',
res: {
status: 200,
headers: {
date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
'content-length': '0',
connection: 'close',
etag: '"xxx"',
server: 'AliyunOSS',
'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829243'
size: 0,
rt: 92
- Add an object through readstream
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.put('ossdemo/readstream.txt', fs.createReadStream(filepath)).then((result) => {
name: 'ossdemo/readstream.txt',
url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/readstream.txt',
res: {
status: 200,
headers: {
date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
'content-length': '0',
connection: 'close',
etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
server: 'AliyunOSS',
'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829242'
size: 0,
rt: 92
.putStream(name, stream[, options])
Add a stream object to the bucket.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- stream {ReadStream} object ReadStream content instance
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [contentLength] {Number} the stream length,
chunked encoding
will be used if absent - [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with
entity header - [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string e.g.:{ uid: 123, pid: 110 }
- [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see
- url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.
- [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.
- body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=$(key)&etag=$(etag)&my_var=$(x:my_var).
- [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.
- [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values
var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
- 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.:
Content-Disposition: somename
- 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip
- 'Expires' expires time (milliseconds) for download, e.g.:
Expires: 3600000
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
- [contentLength] {Number} the stream length,
Success will return the object information.
- name {String} object name
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Add an object through readstream
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
store.putStream('ossdemo/readstream.txt', fs.createReadStream(filepath)).then((result) => {
name: 'ossdemo/readstream.txt',
url: 'http://demo.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossdemo/readstream.txt',
res: {
status: 200,
headers: {
date: 'Tue, 17 Feb 2015 13:28:17 GMT',
'content-length': '0',
connection: 'close',
etag: '"BF7A03DA01440845BC5D487B369BC168"',
server: 'AliyunOSS',
'x-oss-request-id': '54E341F1707AA0275E829242'
size: 0,
rt: 92
.append(name, file[, options])
Append an object to the bucket, it's almost same as put, but it can add content to existing object rather than override it.
All parameters are same as put except for options.position
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- file {String|Buffer|ReadStream} object local path, content buffer or ReadStream content instance
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [position] {String} specify the position which is the content length of the latest object
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [mime] {String} custom mime, will send with
entity header - [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string e.g.:{ uid: 123, pid: 110 }
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
- 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.:
Content-Disposition: somename
- 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip
- 'Expires' expires time (milliseconds) for download, e.g.:
Expires: 3600000
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
- name {String} object name
- url {String} the url of oss
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- nextAppendPosition {String} the next position
let object = await store.append('ossdemo/buffer', new Buffer('foo'));
// append content to the existing object
object = await store.append('ossdemo/buffer', new Buffer('bar'), {
position: object.nextAppendPosition,
.getObjectUrl(name[, baseUrl])
Get the Object url.
If provide baseUrl
, will use baseUrl
instead the default endpoint
const cdnUrl = client.getObjectUrl('foo/bar.jpg', 'https://mycdn.domian.com');
// cdnUrl should be `https://mycdn.domian.com/foo/bar.jpg`
.generateObjectUrl(name[, baseUrl])
Get the Object url.
If provide baseUrl
, will use baseUrl
instead the default bucket and endpoint
Suggest use generateObjectUrl instead of getObjectUrl.
const url = client.generateObjectUrl('foo/bar.jpg');
// cdnUrl should be `https://${bucketname}.${endpotint}foo/bar.jpg`
const cdnUrl = client.generateObjectUrl('foo/bar.jpg', 'https://mycdn.domian.com');
// cdnUrl should be `https://mycdn.domian.com/foo/bar.jpg`
.head(name[, options])
Head an object and get the meta info.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
- 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
Success will return the object's meta information.
- status {Number} response status, maybe 200 or 304
- meta {Object} object user meta, if not set on
, will return null. If return status 304, meta will be null too - res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Head an exists object and get user meta
await this.store.put('ossdemo/head-meta', new Buffer('foo'), {
meta: {
uid: 1,
path: 'foo/demo.txt'
const object = await this.store.head('ossdemo/head-meta');
status: 200,
meta: {
uid: '1',
path: 'foo/demo.txt'
res: { ... }
- Head a not exists object
const object = await this.store.head('ossdemo/head-meta');
// will throw NoSuchKeyError
.get(name[, file, options])
Get an object from the bucket.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- [file] {String|WriteStream} file path or WriteStream instance to store the content
is null or ignore this parameter, function will return info containscontent
property. - [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [process] {String} image process params, will send with
e.g.:{process: 'image/resize,w_200'}
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Range' get specifying range bytes content, e.g.:
Range: bytes=0-9
- 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
- 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
- 'Range' get specifying range bytes content, e.g.:
Success will return the info contains response.
- [content] {Buffer} file content buffer if
parameter is null or ignore - res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.
- Get an exists object and store it to the local file
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt', filepath);
_ Store object to a writestream
await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt', somestream);
- Get an object content buffer
const result = await store.get('ossdemo/demo.txt');
- Get a processed image and store it to the local file
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.png';
await store.get('ossdemo/demo.png', filepath, {process: 'image/resize,w_200'});
- Get a not exists object
const filepath = '/home/ossdemo/demo.txt';
await store.get('ossdemo/not-exists-demo.txt', filepath);
// will throw NoSuchKeyError
.getStream(name[, options])
Get an object read stream.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [process] {String} image process params, will send with
- [headers] {Object} extra headers
- 'If-Modified-Since' object modified after this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
- 'If-Unmodified-Since' object modified before this time will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-Match' object etag equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-None-Match' object etag not equal this will return 200 and object meta, otherwise return 304 not modified
Success will return the stream instance and response info.
- stream {ReadStream} readable stream instance
if response status is not 200, stream will be
. - res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.
- Get an exists object stream
const result = await store.getStream('ossdemo/demo.txt');
result.stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('some file.txt'));
.delete(name[, options])
Delete an object from the bucket.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return the info contains response.
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
If delete object not exists, will also delete success.
- Delete an exists object
await store.delete('ossdemo/someobject');
- Delete a not exists object
await store.delete('ossdemo/some-not-exists-object');
.copy(name, sourceName[, options])
Copy an object from sourceName
to name
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- sourceName {String} source object name
start with/
, meaning it's a full name contains the bucket name. e.g.:/otherbucket/logo.png
meaning copyotherbucket
logn.png object to current bucket. - [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string e.g.:{ uid: 123, pid: 110 }
If themeta
set, will override the source object meta. - [headers] {Object} extra headers
- 'If-Match' do copy if source object etag equal this, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-None-Match' do copy if source object etag not equal this, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-Modified-Since' do copy if source object modified after this time, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
- 'If-Unmodified-Since' do copy if source object modified before this time, otherwise throw PreconditionFailedError
Success will return the copy result in data
- data {Object} copy result
- lastModified {String} object last modified GMT string
- etag {String} object etag contains
, e.g.:"5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
If source object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.
- Copy same bucket object
store.copy('newName', 'oldName').then((result) => {
- Copy other bucket object
store.copy('logo.png', '/other-bucket/logo.png').then((result) => {
.putMeta(name, meta[, options])
Set an exists object meta.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- meta {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string e.g.:{ uid: 123, pid: 110 }
Ifmeta: null
, will clean up the exists meta - [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return the copy result in data
- data {Object} copy result
- lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.:
- etag {String} object etag contains
, e.g.:"5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
- lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
If object not exists, will throw NoSuchKeyError.
- Update exists object meta
const result = await store.putMeta('ossdemo.txt', {
uid: 1, pid: 'p123'
- Clean up object meta
await store.putMeta('ossdemo.txt', null);
.deleteMulti(names[, options])
Delete multi objects in one request.
- names {Array} object names, max 1000 objects in once.
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [quiet] {Boolean} quiet mode or verbose mode, default is
, verbose mode quiet mode: if all objects delete succes, return emtpy response. otherwise return delete error object results. verbose mode: return all object delete results. - [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [quiet] {Boolean} quiet mode or verbose mode, default is
Success will return delete success objects in deleted
- [deleted] {Array} deleted object names list
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Delete multi objects in quiet mode
const result = await store.deleteMulti(['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3'], {
quiet: true
- Delete multi objects in verbose mode
const result = await store.deleteMulti(['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3']);
.list(query[, options])
List objects in the bucket.
- [query] {Object} query parameters, default is
- [prefix] {String} search object using
key - [marker] {String} search start from
, includingmarker
key - [delimiter] {String} delimiter search scope
only search current dir, not including subdir - [max-keys] {String|Number} max objects, default is
, limit to1000
- [prefix] {String} search object using
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return objects list on objects
- objects {Array} object meta info list
will contains blow properties:- name {String} object name on oss
- lastModified {String} object last modified GMT date, e.g.:
- etag {String} object etag contains
, e.g.:"5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
- type {String} object type, e.g.:
- size {Number} object size, e.g.:
- storageClass {String} storage class type, e.g.:
- owner {Object} object owner, including
- prefixes {Array} prefix list
- isTruncated {Boolean} truncate or not
- nextMarker {String} next marker string
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- List top 10 objects
const result = await store.list();
- List
dir including subdirs objects
const result = await store.list({
prefix: 'fun/'
- List
dir objects, not including subdirs
const result = await store.list({
prefix: 'fun/',
delimiter: '/'
.signatureUrl(name[, options])
Create a signature url for download or upload object. When you put object with signatureUrl ,you need to pass Content-Type
.Please look at the example.
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [expires] {Number} after expires seconds, the url will become invalid, default is
- [method] {String} the HTTP method, default is 'GET'
- [Content-Type] {String} set the request content type
- [process] {String} image process params, will send with
e.g.:{process: 'image/resize,w_200'}
- [response] {Object} set the response headers for download
- [content-type] {String} set the response content type
- [content-disposition] {String} set the response content disposition
- [cache-control] {String} set the response cache control
- See more: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/object/GetObject.html
- [callback] {Object} set the callback for the operation
- url {String} set the url for callback
- [host] {String} set the host for callback
- body {String} set the body for callback
- [contentType] {String} set the type for body
- [customValue] {Object} set the custom value for callback,eg. {var1: value1,var2:value2}
- [expires] {Number} after expires seconds, the url will become invalid, default is
Success will return signature url.
- Get signature url for object
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt');
// --------------------------------------------------
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
expires: 3600,
method: 'PUT'
// put object with signatureUrl
// -------------------------------------------------
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
expires: 3600,
method: 'PUT',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
// --------------------------------------------------
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.txt', {
expires: 3600,
response: {
'content-type': 'text/custom',
'content-disposition': 'attachment'
// put operation
- Get a signature url for a processed image
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
process: 'image/resize,w_200'
// --------------------------------------------------
const url = store.signatureUrl('ossdemo.png', {
expires: 3600,
process: 'image/resize,w_200'
.putACL(name, acl[, options])
Set object's ACL.
- name {String} object name
- acl {String} acl (private/public-read/public-read-write)
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Set an object's ACL
await store.putACL('ossdemo.txt', 'public-read');
.getACL(name[, options])
Get object's ACL.
- name {String} object name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- acl {String} acl settiongs string
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Get an object's ACL
const result = await store.getACL('ossdemo.txt');
.restore(name[, options])
Restore Object.
- name {String} object name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- Restore an object
const result = await store.restore('ossdemo.txt');
.initMultipartUpload(name[, options])
Before transmitting data in the Multipart Upload mode, you must call the Initiate Multipart Upload interface to notify the OSS to initiate a Multipart Upload event. The Initiate Multipart Upload interface returns a globally unique Upload ID created by the OSS server to identify this Multipart Upload event.
- name {String} object name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [mime] Mime file type e.g.: application/octet-stream
- [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string - [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
- 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.:
Content-Disposition: somename
- 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip
- 'Expires' expires time (milliseconds) for download, e.g.:
Expires: 3600000
- [x-oss-server-side-encryption]
Specify the server-side encryption algorithm used to upload each part of this object,Type: string, Valid value: AES256
x-oss-server-side-encryption: AES256
if use in browser you should be set cors expose header x-oss-server-side-encryption
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- [x-oss-server-side-encryption] if set request header x-oss-server-side-encryption, will return
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- bucket {String} bucket name
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- uploadId {String} upload id, use for uploadPart, completeMultipart
const result = await store.initMultipartUpload('object');
.uploadPart(name, uploadId, partNo, file, start, end[, options])
After initiating a Multipart Upload event, you can upload data in parts based on the specified object name and Upload ID.
- name {String} object name
- uploadId {String} get by initMultipartUpload api
- partNo {Number} range is 1-10000, If this range is exceeded, OSS returns the InvalidArgument's error code.
- file {File|String} is File or FileName, the whole file Multipart Upload requires that the size of any Part other than the last Part is greater than 100KB. In Node you can use File or FileName, but in browser you only can use File.
- start {Number} part start bytes e.g: 102400
- end {Number} part end bytes e.g: 204800
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
const name = 'object';
const result = await store.initMultipartUpload(name);
const uploadId = result.uploadId;
const file; //the data you want to upload, is a File or FileName(only in node)
//if file part is 10
const partSize = 100 * 1024;
const fileSize = 10 * partSize;//you need to calculate
const dones = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
const start = partSize * (i -1);
const end = Math.min(start + partSize, fileSize);
const part = await store.uploadPart(name, uploadId, i, file, start, end);
number: i,
etag: part.etag
//end need to call completeMultipartUpload api
.uploadPartCopy(name, uploadId, partNo, range, sourceData[, options])
Using Upload Part Copy, you can copy data from an existing object and upload a part of the data. When copying a file larger than 1 GB, you must use the Upload Part Copy method. If you want to copy a file smaller than 1 GB, see Copy Object.
- name {String} object name
- uploadId {String} get by initMultipartUpload api
- partNo {Number} range is 1-10000, If this range is exceeded, OSS returns the InvalidArgument's error code.
- range {String} Multipart Upload requires that the size of any Part other than the last Part is greater than 100KB, range value like
- sourceData {Object}
- sourceKey {String} the source object name
- sourceBucketName {String} the source bucket name
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [headers] {Object} The following request header is used for the source objects specified by x-oss-copy-source.
- [x-oss-copy-source-if-match] default none If the ETAG value of the source object is equal to the ETAG value provided by the user, the system performs the Copy Object operation; otherwise, the system returns the 412 Precondition Failed message.
- [x-oss-copy-source-if-none-match] default none If the source object has not been modified since the time specified by the user, the system performs the Copy Object operation; otherwise, the system returns the 412 Precondition Failed message.
- [x-oss-copy-source-if-unmodified-since] default none If the time specified by the received parameter is the same as or later than the modification time of the file, the system transfers the file normally, and returns 200 OK; otherwise, the system returns 412 Precondition Failed.
- [x-oss-copy-source-if-modified-since] default none If the source object has been modified since the time specified by the user, the system performs the Copy Object operation; otherwise, the system returns the 412 Precondition Failed message.
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
const name = 'object';
const result = await store.initMultipartUpload(name);
const partSize = 100 * 1024;//100kb
//if file part is 10
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
const start = partSize * (i -1);
const end = Math.min(start + partSize, fileSize);
const range = start + '-' + (end - 1);
const part = await store.uploadPartCopy(name, result.uploadId, i, range, {
sourceKey: 'sourceKey',
sourceBucketName: 'sourceBucketName'
//end need complete api
.completeMultipartUpload(name, uploadId, parts[, options])
After uploading all data parts, you must call the Complete Multipart Upload API to complete Multipart Upload for the entire file.
- name {String} object name
- uploadId {String} get by initMultipartUpload api
- parts {Array} more part {Object} from uploadPartCopy, , each in the structure:
- number {Number} partNo
- etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
- [options] {Object} optional parameters
- [timeout] {Number} the operation timeout
- [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see
- url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.
- [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.
- body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=$(key)&etag=$(etag)&my_var=$(x:my_var).
- [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.
- [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values
var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
Success will return:
- res {Object} response info, including
- status {Number} response status
- headers {Object} response headers
- size {Number} response size
- rt {Number} request total use time (ms)
- bucket {String} bucket name
- name {String} object name store on OSS
- etag {String} object etag contains ", e.g.: "5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE"
- data {Object} callback server response data , sdk use JSON.parse() return
//init multipart
const name = 'object';
const result = await store.initMultipartUpload(name);
//upload part
const file; //the data you want to upload, this example size is 10 * 100 * 1024
const fileSize;//you need to calculate
const partSize = 100 * 1024;//100kb
const done = [];
//if file part is 10
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
const start = partSize * (i -1);
const end = Math.min(start + partSize, fileSize);
const data = file.slice(start, end);
const part = yield store.uploadPart(name, result.uploadId, i, data);
number: i,
etag: part.res.headers.etag
const completeData = await store.completeMultipartUpload(name, result.uploadId, done);
.multipartUpload(name, file[, options])
Upload file with [OSS multipart][oss-multipart].
this function contains initMultipartUpload, uploadPart, completeMultipartUpload.
When you use multipartUpload api,if you encounter problems with ConnectionTimeoutError, you should handle ConnectionTimeoutError in your business code. How to resolve ConnectionTimeoutError, you can decrease partSize
size 、 Increase timeout
、Retry request ,
or give tips in your business code;
- name {String} object name
- file {String|File(only support Browser)|Blob(only support Browser)} file path or HTML5 Web File or web Blob
- [options] {Object} optional args
- [parallel] {Number} the number of parts to be uploaded in parallel
- [partSize] {Number} the suggested size for each part
- [progress] {Function} function | async | Promise, the progress callback called after each successful upload of one part, it will be given three parameters: (percentage {Number}, checkpoint {Object}, res {Object})
- [checkpoint] {Object} the checkpoint to resume upload, if this is
provided, it will continue the upload from where interrupted,
otherwise a new multipart upload will be created.
- file {File} The file object selected by the user, if the browser is restarted, it needs the user to manually trigger the settings
- name {String} object key
- fileSize {Number} file size
- partSize {Number} part size
- uploadId {String} upload id
- doneParts {Array} An array of pieces that have been completed, including the object structure as follows
- number {Number} part number
- etag {String} part etag
- [meta] {Object} user meta, will send with
prefix string - [mime] {String} custom mime , will send with
entity header - [callback] {Object} The callback parameter is composed of a JSON string encoded in Base64,detail see
- url {String} After a file is uploaded successfully, the OSS sends a callback request to this URL.
- [host] {String} The host header value for initiating callback requests.
- body {String} The value of the request body when a callback is initiated, for example, key=$(key)&etag=$(etag)&my_var=$(x:my_var).
- [contentType] {String} The Content-Type of the callback requests initiatiated, It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json, and the former is the default value.
- [customValue] {Object} Custom parameters are a map of key-values
var customValue = {var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2'}
- [headers] {Object} extra headers, detail see RFC 2616
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.:
Cache-Control: public, no-cache
- 'Content-Disposition' object name for download, e.g.:
Content-Disposition: somename
- 'Content-Encoding' object content encoding for download, e.g.:
Content-Encoding: gzip
- 'Cache-Control' cache control for download, e.g.: