A Task
Inlustra's Task Runner
A sub-task manager/pipeline to handle child processes.
npm i @inlustra/task-manager
Takes jobs (Child Processes) and handles piping up to a single stream across processes. A Task is made up of multiple jobs with a previous job condition (eg. the previous job must be a success)
- Jobs are run consecutively
- All stage updates (Complete, Error, Cancelled, Skipped) are bubbled up through events.
- Handles errors without blowing up (If not handled explicitly!)
The simplest way to get tasks running one after the other
Create a task, made up of multiple jobs, this is the equivalent of a pipeline
const task = {
name: 'A Simple Task',
description: 'A task to list some files',
jobs: [
new ShellJob('ls ./'), // List the files
new ShellJob('sleep 5'), // Sleep for 5 seconds
new ShellJob('exit 1'), // Then error
new ShellJob('echo "This won\'t appear!"') // The task runner won't run this job
const taskHandler = new TaskHandler(task)
taskHandler.on(TaskHandler.Events.STAGE_UPDATE, (stages) => {
console.log('The next stage in the task has run!')
Using the task runner to add tasks
const task = {
name: 'A Simple Task',
description: 'A task to list some files',
jobs: [
new ShellJob('ls ./'), // List the files
new ShellJob('sleep 5'), // Sleep for 5 seconds
new ShellJob('exit 1'), // Then error
new ShellJob('echo "This won\'t appear!"') // The task runner won't run this job
Register the task, add your pipes and start it!
const taskRunner = new TaskRunner()
taskRunner.addGlobalPipe(process.stdout) // Will print all outputs from any tasks to the console
const taskKey = taskRunner.register(task)
taskRunner.addTaskPipe(taskKey, fs.createWriteStream('./'))
- Document the options available (Jobs can run on error)
- Document the Event types in TaskHandler and TaskRunner
- Bubble up errors to the developer