Happy is a framework built with Node.JS to provide an easy Laravel like structure for the creation of serverless express api's
Happy is a framework created by Index Software, to make resources used in the daily workflow of our development team a breeze.
The name
Index Software it`s slogan is (freely translated): “Software that makes you happy”, with happy (in the Dutch Language) being an acronym for Better, Praising, Intuitive and Right. Hence the name.
Happy contains a framework structure built on the following resources, structure and principals.
- Node.JS
- Serverless
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL
- AWS DynamoDB
- AWS Lambda
- AWS S3
- Laravel like, easy to use structure by both front- and back-end developers, making it a framework suitable for full stack development.
- Built on express and serverless, so not everything is built and maintained by us.
- Queue system, based on a “Queue worker” and “Job worker” to create an easy way to handle load-heavy actions.
- Database independent.
- Microservice everything
- JIT over JIC
Happy is not a traditional framework in the sense that it provides you with everything out of the box. It`s a set of tools that you can use to set up scalable and maintainable microservices using modern solutions like serverless. There is no good or bad way to utilize serverless at the time of writing. We can only create a structured way, and provide some handles to get started with practices that everyone can understand.
Happy can be both installed globally, to make use of the CLI to create and update projects, and used as a command inside existing projects to make use of code generators and other helpful tools. Happy can also be a project dependency, to make use of general code which can be used throughout the project.
CLI Usage:
Package Usage:
const happy = require('@indexsoftware/happy');
// or es6
import happy from '@indexsoftware/happy';
To install and use happy, make sure you have the following tools and dependencies installed:
- Node.JS > 12.x
- NPM > 6
- Serverless CLI
npm i -g @indexsoftware/happy
To install happy as a framework dependency, run the following:
npm i @indexsoftware/happy
New project
To create a new project using happy, you can make use of the CLI. It will create a new directory with everything to get you going.
Simply run:
happy new <name of project>
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.