``` npm install --save @inclouded/amsmart2-device ```
Amsmart2-Device SDK
npm install --save @inclouded/amsmart2-device
In the repository the Amsmart2-Device SDK can be found in an installable form. The SDK can be installed for every Ionic or Node.js project. The SDK accomplishes the necessary http requests.
For using the SDK an Ionic or Node.js project is needed.
export interface zwnode_get_ep_listData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
noded: number
export interface zwep_get_if_listData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
epd: number
export interface zwif_basic_setData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
intf_desc: string,
value?: number
export interface zwif_basic_selectData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
intf_desc: string
export interface zwif_switch_setData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
intf_desc: string,
value?: number
export interface zwif_switch_selectData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
intf_desc: string
export interface loginToZwareData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string,
usrname: string,
passwd: string
export interface logoutToZwareData {
url: string,
deviceId: string,
cfUrl: string
export interface loginFromCrowData {
username: string,
password: string,
email: string
export interface GetMeasurementsByDeviceData {
duration: string
export interface TakePictureCrowData {
client_secret: string;
export interface updateDeviceData {
id: number,
device_type: string,
zone: number,
additional_info: {
owner: number,
partitions: number[]
export interface removeDeviceData {
device_type: string,
zone: number
export interface enrollDeviceData {
enrollment_id: number,
zone: number,
additional_info: {
partitions: number[],
owner: number
export interface wifiConnectData {
ssid: string,
password: string
export interface wifiEnableDisableData {
enable: boolean
export interface disablePgmData {
id: number
export interface editPgmData {
type: string,
options: {
timing: number,
true_output: boolean,
timed_output: boolean,
code_required: boolean,
partitions: number[]
export interface setPgmTypeData {
id: number,
type: string
export interface sendHomeAutCommandData {
id: number,
value: string,
time: number
export interface zWaveResetDriverData {
mode: string
export interface zWaveSetNodeLocationData {
node_id: number,
location_id: number
export interface zWaveSetValueData {
node_id: number,
id: number,
id: number,
version: number
index: number,
instance: number,
data: string
export interface zWaveStartNodeInfoData {
node_id: number
export interface zWaveDeleteModeData {
enable: boolean,
timeout: number
export interface zWaveEnrollModeData {
enable: boolean,
timeout: number
export interface zWaveEnableDriverData {
mode: boolean,
driver_path: string
export interface setIpCamLocationData {
camera_id: number,
location_id: number
export interface addIpCamData {
camera_id: number,
location_id: number,
connection_type: string
export interface setDateTimeData {
time: string
export interface sendPrivateEmailData {
text: string
export interface updateVodModeData {
mode: string
export interface setPanelNameData {
class: string,
id: number,
name: string
export interface setUserCodeData {
user_code: number,
user_id: number
export interface setUserPartitionsData {
partitions: number[],
user_id: number
export interface makeVideoData {
camera_id: number
export interface getPushOptionsData {
Simple: boolean
export interface emailNotificationsData {
Simple: boolean
export interface registerEmailNotificationData {
mode?: number,
Simple: boolean,
data?: {
ALERT: boolean,
ALARM: boolean,
RESTORE: boolean,
X10_ON_OFF: boolean,
X10_TROUBLE: boolean,
ONLINE: boolean,
OFFLINE: boolean,
NOTICE: boolean
export interface bypassDataCrow {
bypass: boolean
export interface bypassDataTyco {
zone: number,
set: boolean
export interface smartDeviceAssignData {
zone: number
export interface disabelSirenData {
mode: string
export interface panelLoginData {
panel_serial: string,
user_code: string,
app_id: string
export interface authToTycoData {
email: string,
password: string,
app_id: string
export interface getStateData {
unt_id: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface editData {
unt_id: number,
form: {
unt_account: string,
unt_serial: string,
unt_sim_number: string,
utg_id: number,
_unt_module_bb: boolean,
_unt_module_gprs: boolean
export interface editInfoData {
unt_id: number,
form: {
unt_contact_address: string,
unt_contact_email: string,
unt_contact_name: string,
unt_contact_phone: any,
unt_remark: any
export interface createReportData {
name: string,
schedule: {
pattern: string,
schedule: string,
settings: any
num_rows: number,
export: string[],
allPanels: boolean,
sendTo: any,
unt_id: number[]
export interface initiateinspectionData {
unt_id: number[],
batch_id?: string
export interface remoteinspectionScheduleData {
unt_id: number[],
schedule: string,
date?: string,
repetition?: number
export interface saveLocationData {
unt_id: number,
locations: any[],
batch_id?: string
export interface refreshLogData {
unt_id: number,
log: string,
batch_id?: string
export interface disableKeypadData {
unt_id: number
export interface enableKeypadData {
unt_id: number
export interface zoneremoveData {
utz_id: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface zoneaddData {
unt_id: number,
form: {
deviceId: string,
zoneId: string,
partitions: string[],
batch_id?: string
export interface walkteststopData {
unt_id: number
export interface walkteststartData {
unt_id: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface uploadData {
unit_id: number,
diff: any[][],
version: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface setLabelData {
entityClass: string,
entityId: number,
name: string,
unitId: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface rarelyusedData {
unt_id: number,
utz_id: number,
utz_rarely_used: boolean
export interface setSoakzoneData {
enabled: boolean,
utz_id: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface rebootData {
unt_id: number,
timeout: number
export interface zonerssiData {
unt_id: number,
batch_id?: string
export interface restrictionDataForm {
unitId: number,
state: boolean
export interface quirestrictionData {
form: {
data: restrictionDataForm[]
export interface installerapprestrictionData {
form: {
data: restrictionDataForm[]
export interface discoveryData {
form: {
unt_id: number[]
export interface refreshData {
unt_id: number
export interface eventprocessorData {
evt_id: number[]
export interface setStateData {
partition: number,
state: string,
options: any[]
export interface changeCrowPasswordData {
new_password1: any,
new_password2: any,
old_password: string
export interface authenticateToCrowData {
username: any,
password: any,
grant_type: string,
client_id: string,
client_secret: string
export interface registerToCrowData {
password1: string,
password2: string,
last_name: string,
first_name: string,
email: string
export interface changeZoneConfigData {
name: string
export interface addUserData {
name?: string,
pendant_id?: number,
phone_number?: number,
user_code?: string,
remote?: boolean,
disarm?: boolean,
stay?: boolean,
arm?: boolean,
disarm_stay?: boolean,
can_edit_himself?: boolean,
can_edit_all_users?: boolean,
areas?: any
export interface updateUserData {
name?: string,
pendant_id?: number,
phone_number?: number,
remote?: boolean,
disarm?: boolean,
stay?: boolean,
arm?: boolean,
disarm_stay?: boolean,
can_edit_himself?: boolean,
can_edit_all_users?: boolean,
areas?: any
export interface updateAuthUserData {
first_name?: string,
last_name?: string
export interface updatePanelByIdData {
name?: string,
notifications_filter?: {
alarm?: boolean
control_panel?: {
mac?: string,
notifications_filter?: {
troubles?: boolean,
arm?: boolean
export interface setMaintenanceData {
control_panel_mac: string
export interface updateCommunicationDectsData {
phone: any
export interface updatePanelNameDataCrow {
name: string,
control_panel: {
mac: string
export interface updatePanelNameDataTyco {
panel_serial: string,
alias: string
export interface updatePanelLocationData {
name: string,
control_panel: {
longitude: any,
latitude: any,
mac: string
export interface createScheduleData {
action: string,
created: string,
disabled: boolean,
days_of_week: any[],
hour: number,
minute: number,
id: number,
next_schedule: string,
params: any,
control_panel_user: any,
timezone: string,
updated: string
export interface updateNotificationsByEmailData {
key: string,
receive_pictures?: boolean,
notifications_filter: {
troubles: boolean,
arm: boolean,
alarm: boolean,
information: boolean,
configuration: boolean,
take_picture: boolean,
user_association: boolean,
all: boolean
export interface addEmailData {
key: string
export interface changeAreaConfigurationData {
name: string,
exit_delay: string,
stay_exit_delay: string
export interface addPanelDataCrow {
name: string;
user_code: string,
control_panel: {
mac: string;
remote_access_password: string
export interface addPanelDataTyco {
alias: string,
panel_serial: string,
access_proof: string,
master_user_code: string
export interface changeToPanicStateData {
point: {
longitude: number,
latitude: number
export interface CrowOutputParam {
control_panel_mac?: string;
output_id?: string;
pageSize?: number;
page?: number;
type?: string;
ordering?: string;
interface_id?: string;
from?: string;
to?: string;
email?: string;
pw?: string;
body?: addPanelDataCrow | changeToPanicStateData | changeAreaConfigurationData | addEmailData | updateNotificationsByEmailData | createScheduleData |
updatePanelLocationData | updatePanelByIdData | updateAuthUserData | addUserData | updateUserData | changeZoneConfigData | registerToCrowData |
authenticateToCrowData | changeCrowPasswordData | updatePanelNameDataCrow | bypassDataCrow | GetMeasurementsByDeviceData | loginFromCrowData | any;
personalCode?: string;
token?: string;
phone?: any;
http?: any;
https?: any;
sToken?: string;
uToken?: string;
format?: string;
set?: string;
url?: string;
apiVersion?: string;
export interface TycoOutputParam {
panel?: string;
id?: string;
id2?: string;
pageSize?: number;
page?: number;
type?: string;
ordering?: string;
interface_id?: string;
from?: string;
to?: string;
email?: string;
pw?: string;
body?: refreshData | setStateData | eventprocessorData | discoveryData | installerapprestrictionData | quirestrictionData | rebootData | setSoakzoneData | rarelyusedData | setLabelData | walkteststartData | walkteststopData | zoneaddData | zoneremoveData | enableKeypadData | disableKeypadData | refreshLogData | saveLocationData | remoteinspectionScheduleData | initiateinspectionData | createReportData | editInfoData | editData | panelLoginData | authToTycoData | updatePanelNameDataCrow | addPanelDataTyco | disabelSirenData | smartDeviceAssignData | bypassDataTyco | registerEmailNotificationData | setUserCodeData | setUserPartitionsData | setPanelNameData | updateVodModeData | sendPrivateEmailData | setDateTimeData | addIpCamData | setIpCamLocationData | zWaveEnableDriverData | zWaveEnrollModeData | zWaveStartNodeInfoData | zWaveSetValueData | zWaveSetNodeLocationData | zWaveResetDriverData | zWaveDeleteModeData | setPgmTypeData | editPgmData | disablePgmData | wifiEnableDisableData | wifiConnectData | enrollDeviceData | removeDeviceData | updateDeviceData | getPushOptionsData | emailNotificationsData | loginToZwareData | logoutToZwareData | zwif_basic_setData | zwif_basic_selectData | zwif_switch_setData | zwif_switch_selectData | zwnode_get_ep_listData | zwep_get_if_listData | any;
personalCode?: string;
token?: string;
phone?: any;
http?: any;
https?: any;
sToken?: string;
uToken?: string;
format?: string;
set?: string;
period?: string;
zones?: string;
metrics?: string;
url: string;
apiVersion: string;
- The SDK can be used in a Service in the following way:
import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { TroubleApi, BatchApi, UnitApi, AuthApi, OutputsApi, AreasApi, CamerasApi, ZonesApi, CrowOutputParam, TycoOutputParam, DeviceTypes, EventsApi, MeasurementsApi, KeypadsApi, UsersApi, ModuleApi, NotificationApi, PanelApi, ScheduleApi } from '@inclouded/amsmart2-device'
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
export class Amsmart2DeviceService {
AreasApi: AreasApi;
AuthApi: AuthApi;
AuthApiTyco: AuthApi;
BatchApiTyco: BatchApi;
CamerasApi: CamerasApi;
CamerasApiTyco: CamerasApi;
CommunicationApi: CommunicationApi;
DetectorApiTyco: DetectorApi;
EventsApi: EventsApi;
EventsApiTyco: EventsApi;
KeyfobsApiTyco: KeyfobsApi;
KeypadsApi: KeypadsApi;
MaintenanceApi: MaintenanceApi;
MeasurementsApi: MeasurementsApi;
ModuleApi: ModuleApi;
ModuleApiTyco: ModuleApi;
NotificationApi: NotificationApi;
NotificationApiTyco: NotificationApi;
OutputsApi: OutputsApi;
PanelApi: PanelApi;
PanelApiTyco: PanelApi;
PmaxconfigApiTyco: PmaxconfigApi;
ProcessApiTyco: ProcessApi;
ScheduleApi: ScheduleApi;
SystemApiTyco: SystemApi;
TroubleApi: TroubleApi;
TroubleApiTyco: TroubleApi;
UnitApiTyco: UnitApi;
UsersApi: UsersApi;
UsersApiTyco: UsersApi;
ZonesApi: ZonesApi;
ZonesApiTyco: ZonesApi;
ZwareApiTyco: ZwareApi;
constructor(private http: HttpClient, private zone: NgZone, private platform: Platform) {
this.AreasApi = new AreasApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.AuthApi = new AuthApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.AuthApiTyco = new AuthApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.BatchApiTyco = new BatchApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.CamerasApi = new CamerasApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.CamerasApiTyco = new CamerasApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.CommunicationApi = new CommunicationApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.DetectorApiTyco = new DetectorApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.EventsApi = new EventsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.EventsApiTyco = new EventsApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.KeyfobsApiTyco = new KeyfobsApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.KeypadsApi = new KeypadsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.MaintenanceApi = new MaintenanceApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.MeasurementsApi = new MeasurementsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.ModuleApi = new ModuleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.ModuleApiTyco = new ModuleApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.NotificationApi = new NotificationApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.NotificationApiTyco = new NotificationApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.OutputsApi = new OutputsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.PanelApi = new PanelApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.PanelApiTyco = new PanelApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.PmaxconfigApiTyco = new PmaxconfigApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.ProcessApiTyco = new ProcessApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.ScheduleApi = new ScheduleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.SystemApiTyco = new SystemApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.TroubleApi = new TroubleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.TroubleApiTyco = new TroubleApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.UnitApiTyco = new UnitApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.UsersApi = new UsersApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.UsersApiTyco = new UsersApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.ZonesApi = new ZonesApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
this.ZonesApiTyco = new ZonesApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
this.ZwareApiTyco = new ZwareApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
GetTroubles(params: CrowOutputParam | TycoOutputParam) {
return this.TroubleApi.GetTroubles(params);
// ...
Example params:
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
constructor(private http: HttpClient, ...) {
const paramsCrow: CrowOutputParam = {
control_panel_mac: '<panel_mac>',
output_id: '<id>',
pageSize: '<pageSize>',
page: '<page>',
// ordering: 'asc',
interface_id: '<interface_id>',
body: {},
token: '<token>',
http: this.http
const paramsTyco: TycoOutputParam = {
panel: '<panel_mac>',
url: 'ipalarm.no',
apiVersion: '8.0',
id: '<id>',
pageSize: '<pageSize>',
page: '<page>',
// ordering: 'asc',
interface_id: '<interface_id>',
http: this.http,
sToken: '<stoken>',
uToken: '<utoken>',
body: {}
- The SDK can be used in the following way:
import { TroubleApi, BatchApi, UnitApi, AuthApi, OutputsApi, AreasApi, CamerasApi, ZonesApi, CrowOutputParam, TycoOutputParam, DeviceTypes, EventsApi, MeasurementsApi, KeypadsApi, UsersApi, ModuleApi, NotificationApi, PanelApi, ScheduleApi, setStateData, addEmailData, createScheduleData } from '@inclouded/amsmart2-device';
const https = require('https');
const paramsCrow: CrowOutputParam = {
control_panel_mac: '<panel_mac>',
output_id: '<id>',
pageSize: '<pageSize>',
page: '<page>',
// ordering: 'asc',
interface_id: '<interface_id>',
body: {},
token: '<token>',
https: https
const paramsTyco: TycoOutputParam = {
panel: '<panel_mac>',
url: 'ipalarm.no',
apiVersion: '8.0',
id: '<id>',
pageSize: '<pageSize>',
page: '<page>',
// ordering: 'asc',
interface_id: '<interface_id>',
https: https,
sToken: '<stoken>',
uToken: '<utoken>',
body: {}
// Few examples
const AreasApi = new AreasApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const AuthApi = new AuthApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const AuthApiTyco = new AuthApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const BatchApiTyco = new BatchApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const CamerasApi = new CamerasApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const CamerasApiTyco = new CamerasApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const CommunicationApi = new CommunicationApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const DetectorApiTyco = new DetectorApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const EventsApi = new EventsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const EventsApiTyco = new EventsApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const KeyfobsApiTyco = new KeyfobsApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const KeypadsApi = new KeypadsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const MaintenanceApi = new MaintenanceApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const MeasurementsApi = new MeasurementsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const ModuleApi = new ModuleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const ModuleApiTyco = new ModuleApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const NotificationApi = new NotificationApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const NotificationApiTyco = new NotificationApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const OutputsApi = new OutputsApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const PanelApi = new PanelApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const PanelApiTyco = new PanelApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const PmaxconfigApiTyco = new PmaxconfigApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const ProcessApiTyco = new ProcessApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const ScheduleApi = new ScheduleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const SystemApiTyco = new SystemApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const TroubleApi = new TroubleApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const TroubleApiTyco = new TroubleApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const UnitApiTyco = new UnitApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const UsersApi = new UsersApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const UsersApiTyco = new UsersApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const ZonesApi = new ZonesApi(DeviceTypes.crow);
const ZonesApiTyco = new ZonesApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
const ZwareApiTyco = new ZwareApi(DeviceTypes.tyco);
// tyco
function getPanelStatus() {
try {
paramsTyco.body = {
email: '<email>',
password: '<password>',
app_id: 'xxxxxx'
AuthApi.Authenticate(paramsTyco).subscribe((result: any) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
console.log('resulttoken: ', result.user_token);
paramsTyco.uToken = result.user_token;
paramsTyco.body = {
panel_serial: '<panel_serial>',
user_code: '<user_code>',
app_id: 'xxxxxx'
PanelApiTyco.PanelLogin(paramsTyco).subscribe((result: any) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
console.log('resultsession: ', result.session_token);
paramsTyco.sToken = result.session_token;
PanelApiTyco.GetPanelStatus(paramsTyco).subscribe((result: any) => {
console.log('GetPanelStatus: ', result);
} catch (err) {
// crow
function GetZones() {
try {
ZonesApi.GetZones(paramsCrow).subscribe((result: any) => {
console.log('result: ', result);
} catch (err) {
- List of the SDK functions:
- AreasApi: GetAreas(Crow), GetAreasById(Crow), Arm(Crow), Disarm(Crow), Stay(Crow), changeAreaConfiguration(Crow)
- AuthApi: Register(Crow), Authenticate(Crow, Tyco), ChangePassword(Crow, Tyco), ResetPassword(Tyco), ResetPasswordComplete(Tyco), Logout(Crow, Tyco), Login(Crow), GetVersion(Tyco)
- BatchApi: GetBatchLists(Tyco), GetMine(Tyco)
- CamerasApi: GetPictures(Crow), GetPicturesById(Crow), TakePicture(Crow), DeletePicture(Crow), GetCameras(Tyco), DemandVideo(Tyco), DemandVideoFrames(Tyco), DemandVideoStatus(Tyco), MakeVideo(Tyco), IpCameras(Tyco), UpdateIpCameras(Tyco), StartVideoIpCam(Tyco), StopVideoIpCam(Tyco), StartVideoRecordIpCam(Tyco), StopVideoRecordIpCam(Tyco), AddIpCam(Tyco), DeleteIpCam(Tyco), SetIpCamLocation(Tyco), MoveIpCamera(Tyco)
- CommunicationApi: GetCommunicationDects(Crow), UpdateCommunicationDects(Crow)
- DetectorApi: GetSmartDevices(Tyco), GetSmartDevicesSettings(Tyco), SmartDeviceAssign(Tyco)
- EventsApi: GetEvents(Crow, Tyco), Eventprocessor(Tyco), GetAlarms(Tyco), GetAlarmPreviews(Tyco), GetAlarmVideo(Tyco), GetAlarmVideoFrames(Tyco), GetAlerts(Tyco)
- KeyfobsApi: GetDevices(Tyco), EnrollDevice(Tyco), RemoveDevice(Tyco), UpdateDevice(Tyco)
- KeypadsApi: GetKeypads(Crow), changeKeypadConfig(Crow)
- MaintenanceApi: GetMaintenanceInfo(Crow), SetMaintenance(Crow), DeleteMaintenance(Crow)
- MeasurementsApi: GetMeasurements(Crow), GetMeasurementsByDevice(Crow)
- ModuleApi: GetEthernetInfo(Crow), GetWifiInfo(Crow), GetGsmInfo(Crow), GetRadioInfo(Crow), GetEthernetConfig(Crow), GetWifiConfig(Crow), GetGsmCofing(Crow), ZWaveNodesList(Tyco), ZWaveNodeInfo(Tyco), ZWaveNodeValues(Tyco), ZWaveEnableDriver(Tyco), ZWaveStartNodesList(Tyco), ZWaveEnrollMode(Tyco), ZWaveDeleteMode(Tyco), ZWaveStartNodeInfo(Tyco), ZWaveSetValue(Tyco), ZWaveSetNodeLocation(Tyco), ZWaveResetDriver(Tyco), HomeAutomationDevices(Tyco), PgmTypes(Tyco), PgmList(Tyco), SetPgmType(Tyco), SendHomeAutCommand(Tyco), SetHomeDeviceLocation(Tyco), EditPgm(Tyco), DisablePgm(Tyco)
- NotificationApi: GetNotificationsByEmail(Crow), getEmailById(Crow), AddEmail(Crow), DeleteEmail(Crow), UpdateNotificationsByEmail(Crow), GetPushOptions(Tyco), EmailNotifications(Tyco), RegisterEmailNotification(Tyco)
- OutputsApi: GetOutputs(Crow), GetOutputsById(Crow), On(Crow), Off(Crow), ChangeOutputConfig(Crow)
- PanelApi: SetState(Tyco), AddPanel(Crow, Tyco), GetConfigMode(Crow), GetDects(Crow), ChangeToPanicState(Crow), UpdatePanelLocation(Crow), UpdatePanelName(Crow, Tyco), DeletePanelConnection(Crow), ConnectToPanel(Crow), GetConnection(Crow), GetPanels(Crow, Tyco), GetPanelById(Crow), GetPanelUser(Crow), DeletePanel(Crow), GetPanelUsers(Crow), PanelLogin(Tyco), ActivateSiren(Tyco), DisabelSiren(Tyco), GetPanelInfo(Tyco), GetFeatureSet(Tyco), GetPanelLocations(Tyco), SetPanelName(Tyco), WakeupSms(Tyco), GeoRedundancyOptions(Tyco), SendPrivateEmail(Tyco), UpdateVodMode(Tyco), CurrentSessionCount(Tyco), SetDateTime(Tyco), MeteoInfo(Tyco), WifiStatus(Tyco), Advertisment(Tyco), StartRefreshMeteo(Tyco), StartWifiStatus(Tyco), WifiEnableDisable(Tyco), WifiConnect(Tyco), SwitchToProgrammingMode(Tyco), GetPanelStatus(Tyco)
- PmaxconfigApi: Refresh(Tyco), Upload(Tyco), RefreshLog(Tyco), GetLog(Tyco), GetState(Tyco)
- ProcessApi: GetProcessStatus(Tyco), GetProcesses(Tyco)
- ScheduleApi: GetSchedules(Crow), CreateSchedule(Crow), DeleteSchedule(Crow), UpdateSchedule(Crow)
- SystemApi: Reboot(Tyco)
- TroubleApi: GetTroubles(Crow, Tyco), DeleteTroubles(Crow)
- UnitApi: GetAllUnits(Tyco), GetDiagnosticFeatures(Tyco), GetFirmwareLists(Tyco), GetGeneralForms(Tyco), GetGeneralIsonlines(Tyco), GetDiagnosticLists(Tyco), GetAllRemarks(Tyco), GetDiagnosticState(Tyco), GetRemoteinspectionUnits(Tyco), GetAllReports(Tyco), Discovery(Tyco), Installerapprestriction(Tyco), Quirestriction(Tyco), Zonerssi(Tyco), SetSoakzone(Tyco), Rarelyused(Tyco), SetLabel(Tyco), Walkteststart(Tyco), GetWalktest(Tyco), Walkteststop(Tyco), Zoneadd(Tyco), Zoneremove(Tyco), EnableKeypad(Tyco), DisableKeypad(Tyco), GetLocations(Tyco), SaveLocation(Tyco), GetRemoteinspectionResults(Tyco), RemoteinspectionSchedule(Tyco), Initiateinspection(Tyco), GetReportResults(Tyco), GetReportExpectedResults(Tyco), CreateReport(Tyco), EditInfo(Tyco), Edit(Tyco)
- UsersApi: GetUsers(Crow, Tyco), GetUsersById(Crow), AuthUser(Crow), UpdateAuthUser(Crow), AddUser(Crow), DeleteUser(Crow), UpdateUser(Crow), GetUnitUsers(Tyco), SetUserCode(Tyco), SetUserPartitions(Tyco)
- ZonesApi: GetZones(Crow), GetZonesById(Crow), Bypass(Crow, Tyco). ChangeZoneConfig(Crow)
- ZwareApi: Login(Tyco), Logout(Tyco), BinarySwitchSelect(Tyco), BinarySwitchOn(Tyco), BinarySwitchOff(Tyco), BasicSelect(Tyco), BasicOn(Tyco), BasicOff(Tyco), GetNodeEndpoints(Tyco), GetNodeEndpointInterfaces(Tyco)
Note: If you use Node.js then install this dependency: https://www.npmjs.com/package/form-data
Developer: Zoltán R. Jánki ([email protected]), Gábor Simon ([email protected])