Fastify Papr Plugin Integration
A fastify Papr plugin integration.
Getting started
yarn add @inaiat/fastify-papr @fastify/mongodb
Next, set up the plugin:
import fastifyMongodb from '@fastify/mongodb'
import fastifyPaprPlugin, { asCollection, FastifyPaprOptions } from ' @inaiat/fastify-papr'
import fp from 'fastify-plugin'
import { Model, schema, types } from 'papr'
const userSchema = schema({
name: types.string({ required: true, minLength: 10, maxLength: 100 }),
phone: types.string({ required: true, minLength: 8, maxLength: 20 }),
const userIndexes = [{ key: { name: 1 } }]
declare module '@inaiat/fastify-papr' {
interface FastifyPapr {
user: Model<typeof userSchema[0], Partial<typeof userSchema[1]>>
export default fp<FastifyPaprOptions>(
async (fastify) => {
await fastify.register(fastifyMongodb, {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
await fastify.register(fastifyPaprPlugin, {
db: fastify.mongo.client.db('test'),
models: {
user: asCollection('user', userSchema, userIndexes)
{ name: 'papr' },
How to use:
import { FastifyPluginAsync } from 'fastify'
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'
const userDto = Type.Object({
name: Type.String({ maxLength: 100, minLength: 10 }),
phone: Type.String({ maxLength: 20, minLength: 8 }),
const userRoute: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify) => {
fastify.post<{ readonly Body: Static<typeof userDto> }>(
schema: {
body: userDto,
async (req) => {
const result = await fastify.papr.user.insertOne(req.body)
return result
export default userRoute
Papr Documentation and examples
To learn more about the code and see additional examples, you can visit the Papr documentation at plexinc.github.io/papr and explore test folder on this project.