A barcode scanner for react, using a webassembly module built on [ZBar](https://github.com/ZBar/ZBar), which supports a variety of different barcodes. Uses [@impactdk/barcode-scanner](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@impactdk/barcode-scanner) underneath.
A barcode scanner for react, using a webassembly module built on ZBar, which supports a variety of different barcodes. Uses @impactdk/barcode-scanner underneath.
npm install --save @impactdk/react-barcode-scanner
As the default decoder for the scanner is dependant on a wasm module running in a worker, some assets need to be installed from the module and into the public assets of your own. It is advised to do this as part of your build:
install-wasm-decoder ./path/to/your/assets
A path to a public directory where the installed assets are available is then needed later in the configuration of the default decoder (if used).
Using the module
import { WasmDecoder } from "@impactdk/barcode-scanner";
import { ReactBarcodeScanner } from "@impactdk/react-barcode-scanner";
export const BarcodeScanner = () => {
const { current: decoder } = useRef(WasmDecoder.getInstance("/public-assets")); // Path to assets installed.
function handleBarcode(barcode: string): void {
// Do something...
return <ReactBarcodeScanner
onFindBarcode={handleBarcode} />
Code splitting
Include the submodule that checks the user's client for support, then lazily import a module using the scanner.
// barcode-scanner.lazy.tsx
import { isBarcodeScannerSupported } from "@impactdk/barcode-scanner/lazy";
interface IBarcodeScannerProps {
onFindBarcode: (barcode: string) => void;
const BarcodeScanner = memo((props: IBarcodeScannerProps) => {
if (!isBarcodeScannerSupported) {
return <div>Barcode scanner not supported...</div>;
const { onFindBarcode } = props;
const LazyScanner = lazy(() => import("./lazy-compat-scanner.component")); // This enables code splitting.
const fallback = <div>Scanner loading...</div>;
return (
<Suspense fallback={fallback}>
<LazyScanner onFindBarcode={onFindBarcode} />
// lazy-compat-scanner.component.tsx
import { WasmDecoder } from "@impactdk/barcode-scanner";
import { ReactBarcodeScanner, IReactBarcodeScannerProps } from "@impactdk/react-barcode-scanner";
type ILazyCompatScannerProps = Omit<IReactBarcodeScannerProps, "decoder">;
const LazyCompatScanner: FC<ILazyCompatScannerProps> = props => {
const { current: decoder } = useRef(WasmDecoder.getInstance("/public-assets")); // Path to assets installed.
return <ReactBarcodeScanner
{...props} />
export default LazyCompatScanner;