fullstack uwebsockets typesafety inspired by trpc
Fullstack uwebsockets typesafety inspired by trpc. Made for Bun. Written in TS.
This is a work-in-progress - contributors welcome! Current code is not transpiled to js and usage via npm may require configuration.
- Full typescript safety for websocket events via trpc-esque interface
- Custom transformers to serialize your JSON data into binary transports
- Input and Output validation can be disabled for performance
- Make requests through an existing websocket connection
- Two-way communication allows server to call client for data
- Define data types via
or pass a ts generic
import { z } from 'zod';
import {
} from '../server';
class Message {
message: string;
constructor(message: string) {
this.message = message;
const appRouter = router({
ping: method()
.input(z.object({ id: z.number(), message: z.string() }))
.transfer(({ input }) => {
return `pong: ${input.id}: ${input.message}`;
callClient: method()
.input(z.object({ id: z.number() }))
.output<{ id: number; message: string; }>()
subscriptions: method()
.subscribe(({ input }) => {
console.log('lobby received message', input);
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
const uws = Io({
router: appRouter,
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch: uws.fetch,
websocket: {
open: uws.open,
close: uws.close,
message: uws.message,
// send a message to all subscribed to 'subscriptions'
uws.router.subscriptions.send({ message: 'Goodbye World' });
// send a message to all subscribed to room '123'
uws.router.subscriptions.sendTo('123', { message: 'Goodbye World' });
// call client id '123' passing the { id: 1 } object to get a result
const result = await uws.router.callClient.pull('123', { id: 1 });
console.log('callClient.pull', result); // { id: 1, message: 'Hello World' }
import { client } from 'utrpc/client';
import type { AppRouter } from './server';
const utrpc = client<AppRouter>({
ws: {
url: 'ws://localhost:1337',
// send the server a ping, expecting back a message
const result = await utrpc.ping.request({ id: 1, message: 'Hello World' });
console.log(result); // `pong: 1: Hello World`
// subscribe to callClient so we can send back message when the server calls
utrpc.callClient.onRequest(async function({ id }) {
console.log('client', 'received request for client name', { id });
return { id, message: 'Hello World' };
// subscribe to all 'subscriptions' notifications
onData: data => console.log('subscriptions', data),
onError: err => console.error('subscriptions', err),
// subscribe to 'subscriptions' notifications for room '123'
to: '123',
onData: data => console.log('subscriptions:123', data),
onError: err => console.error('subscriptions:123', err),
// send a message to subscriptions
trpc.subscriptions.send({ message: 'Hello World' });
// send a message to subscriptions in room '123'
trpc.subscriptions.sendTo('123', { message: 'Hello World' });
// call utrpc() to get the top-level object to latch into lifecycle events
const uws = utrpc();
uws.lifecycle.on('message', (...args) => {
// log out every utrpc message that comes through the websocket
console.log('message', ...args);
uws.lifecycle.on('open', () => {
// interact with the ws directly
// (utrpc will ignore these messages)
uws.ws.send('hello world');