Layer List Panel plugin for the CE.SDK editor
IMG.LY CE.SDK Plugin Layer List
This plugin adds registers a custom panel that displays a list of all layers in the current design scene.
You can install the plugin via npm or yarn. Use the following commands to install the package:
yarn add @imgly/plugin-layer-list-web
npm install @imgly/plugin-layer-list-web
This plugin will register a custom panel inside the editor. You can then open the custom panel depending on your needs.
import CreativeEditorSDK from '@cesdk/cesdk-js';
import LayerListPlugin from '@imgly/plugin-layer-list-web';
const config = {
license: '<your-license-here>',
assets: "/assets"
const cesdk = await CreativeEditorSDK.create(container, config);
await cesdk.addDefaultAssetSources(),
await cesdk.addDemoAssetSources({ sceneMode: 'Design' }),
await cesdk.unstable_addPlugin(LayerListPlugin());
await cesdk.createDesignScene();
await cesdk.ui.openPanel("@imgly/plugin-layer-list-web.panel"),
Potential Issues
SecurityError: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
If this happens, please serve the assets from the same domain as the editor. Find out more on how to serve the CE.SDK assets here: https://img.ly/docs/cesdk/ui/guides/assets-served-from-your-own-servers/.
This repository is actively maintained by img.ly. We are always open to feedback and suggestions. If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue or getting in contact with [email protected]