Shared module license API client
License module nodejs API client
How to Use
import SMLicense from '@ikonintegration/mod-license-client';
const API = new SMLicense({
port: 9090, //isOptional
endpoint: SharedModules_LicenseEndpoint,
//Must be specified when using service routes
apiKey: config.examProvider.key, //API token on IDM.AppID format (generate from APIKey at https://runkit.com/gwdp/idm-appid-v1)
//Must be specified when using admin or user routes
authorizationToken: '', -- optional, IDM JWT for shared module admins and user routes -- Accepts a function to be called async and return the token
tenantID: ''
//Revoke License
const resp = await API.license.revokeLicense(ID);
if (!resp || resp.statusCode != 200) {
return ERROR:
} return SUCCESS;
The following header must be specified in every request!
- Authorization
Available API methods
- API.product.createProduct(productObj) - Admin only
- API.product.updateProduct(productObj) - Admin only
- API.product.deleteProduct(productID) - Admin only
- API.product.getProduct(productID) - Admin only
- API.product.getAllProducts() - Admin, users and services
- API.order.getProviderFromProduct(productObject) - Return provider from product
- API.order.isMonerisEnabledForProduct(productObject) - Return of Moneris is enabled for this provider.
- API.order.preOrder(orderObj) - Admin and users
- API.order.beginOrder(orderObj, provider) - Admin and users
- API.order.completeOrder(orderObj, provider) - Admin and users
- API.order.refundOrder(orderObj, provider) - Admin and users
- API.order.cancelOrder(orderObj, provider) - Admin and users
- API.order.getOrder(externalID, orderID) - Admin, users and services
- API.order.getOrdersByExternalID(externalID) - Admin, users and services
- API.order.getOrdersFromToTimestamp(from, to /timestamps/) - Admin and services
- API.order.getOrderReceipt(externalID, orderID) - Admin, users and services
- API.order.getPendingOrders() - Admin and services
- API.order.submitInvoiceOrder(orderObj) - Admin and services
- API.order.approveInvoiceOrder(orderObj) - Admin and services
- API.order.rejectInvoiceOrder(orderObj) - Admin and services
- API.order.getOrderByID(orderID) - Admin and services
- API.license.redeemLicense(activationCode, productID) - Service only
- API.license.redeemLicenseByProduct(productID, externalID) - Service only
- API.license.revokeLicense(licenseID) - Admin only
- API.license.revokeLicenses(licenseIDs) - Admin only
- API.license.getLicenseByID(licenseID) - Admin, users and services
- API.license.getLicense(licenseID, externalID) - Admin, users and services
- API.license.getLicensesByExternalID(externalID) - Admin, users and services
- API.license.getLicensesByExternalIDs(externalIDs) - Admin and services
License Consumption:
- API.licenseConsumption.getLicenseConsumption(licenseID, consumptionID) - User, Admin and services
- API.licenseConsumption.getLicenseConsumptions(consumptionIDs) - User, Admin and services
- API.voucher.createVoucher(body, optionalVoucherID) - Admin only
- API.voucher.updateVoucher(body, voucherID) - Admin only
- API.voucher.deleteVoucher(voucherID) - Admin only
- API.voucher.getVoucher(voucherID) - Admin only
- API.voucher.verifyVoucher(voucherID) - Admin, users and services
- API.voucher.getVouchers() - Admin only
- API.key.getAvailableKeys(externalID, numberOfLicenses) - Admin, users and services
- API.key.getKey(activationKey) - Service only
- API.vault.getVaultNonce(externalID, userInfo) - Sysadmins, Admins and users (no services here)
- API.vault.setVaultDefaultPaymentMethod(paymentMethodNonce, externalID) - Sysadmins, Admins and users (no services here)