Ignitial.io web application client library
IgnitialIO web application client library
This library allows an web app to take advantage of the
IIOS services framework.
It implements several concepts:
- web socket communication using socket.io
- unified services: these are services defined server-side that can be called browser side as if they were seamlesly local to browser. They use web sockets to do so.
- modules: these are services (you can see this as server app plugins) implemented server-side and eventually available browser side. If so, unlikely unified services, they are defined with one instance per all web socket clients (e.g. connection), while unified services provide one instance per client
- API gateway: is providing an unified service for each available IIO micro-service. In this way, any micro-service can be used locally to the browser.
- static configuration management for the web app
- static file serve
- REST API capabilities thanks to connect-rest
- AWS S3 or compliant (e.g. Minio S3) file storage
- i18n
It provides internationalization features allowing to use transparent translation for any string.
Base class for implementing client side plugin (for example VueJS plugin) to remotely access server modules.
Base class for implementing client side plugin (for example VueJS plugin) to remotely access server services (unified services + IIO micro-services).
Base class for implementing utility plugin (for example VueJS plugin).
Tests are mainly done trough the full application. For example: IgnitialIO application template