Calendar month view to display events
React Native Month View Calendar
- Fork from react-native-month-view-calendar
npm install --save @iftek/react-native-month-view-calendar
Basic usage
import React from 'react';
import MonthViewCalendar from '@iftek/react-native-month-view-calendar';
import { View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'
const Component = () => {
const eventsForCalendar = [
title: 'My awesome event',
date: new Date(),
return (
cellStyles={{ minHeight: 65 }}
renderEvent={(event, i) => {
return (
<Text key={i} numberOfLines={1}>{event.title}</Text>
| Properties | Default | type | Description|
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|date |new Date()||Date from which the calendar will be built|
|dayTextStyles |{}|TextStyle | (day:Date) => TextStyle|Styles for label day(numer of day), can be function, array or object|
|todayTextStyles |{}||Styles for label day(today), can be array or object|
|otherMonthsDayTextStyles |{}||Styles for label day(numer of day) other months
, can be array or object|
|otherMonthsEnabled |false||other months day cell onPress enabled or not|
|events ||| Array of events|
|headerTextStyles|{}||Styles for label week day name, can be array or object|
|cellStyles |{}|ViewStyle | (day:Date) => ViewStyle|Styles for all cells, can be function, array or object|
|pastMonthsCellStyles|{}||Styles for all cells from past dates|
|weekDays |['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S']||Array with name of the day of the week|
|renderEvent |||Function required to render event information. Example (event, index) => |
|onPress |||Callback when day cell is pressed|
|onSwipe |||Callback when calendar is swiped|
|onSwipePrev |||Callback when calendar is swiped to previous month|
|onSwipeNext |||Callback when calendar is swiped to next month|
|onScrollToIndexFailed ||| Callback to handle errors on swipe|
To use the component methods save a reference to it:
const reference = useRef();
- goToDate(date): the component navigates to a custom date, date variable must be an instance of Date. Example: reference.current.goToDate(new Date());
- getCurrentDate() returns current date that being displayed
Event object
/// your props
date: new Date(),