A node module for authentication and use with the IDPartner API
IDPartner for Node.js
A node module for authentication and use with the IDPartner Trust API
To install the module using NPM:
npm install @idpartner/node-oidc-client
Or Yarn:
yarn add @idpartner/node-oidc-client
We have put together a list of examples to make your integration easier on each environment.
- Sandbox: Example using
auth method - Production: Example using
auth method without JWKs. Recommended for new integrations. - Production: Example using
auth method with JWKs. Recommended to migrate fromprivate_key_jwt
. - Production [Deprecated]: Example using
auth method
Client API
A helper method to generate a state
, nonce
and codeVerifier
which is used for validating the Identity response and protecting against cross site request forgery(CSRF) attacks
state: 'b6P4_eFMVTx_CFznmaHj9geXQUVm_z-xa8QgEmHEdNE',
nonce: 'PVShAu4ZMyfPd6zV-GitTmu-yi3TFxPJhCjv8wjyweY',
codeVerifier: 'Ek8FS-7c3AqTA-rPzF9c8-acO_-Mg4J3hpiKEzKllpc'
Creates an authorization url with a signed JWT (using the private key in the JKWS). Since IDPartner implements the authorization code flow you should redirect to this URL.
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| query
| string
| Required. The query parameters that started the authorization flow after the end user clicks the IDPartner Button
| proofs
| object
| Required. Use helper method generateProofs
to generate a state
, nonce
and codeVerifier
used for security & validations purposes
| scope
| array | string
| Required. Specify the user attributes your require for your application IDPartner supports the standard OIDC scopes. For example - ["openid", "email", "address", "offline_access"]
| extraAuthorizationParams
| object
| Optional. Send extra authorization params that should be sent to the OP.
| extraAuthorizationParams.prompt
| string
| Optional. Set it to consent
if you need a refresh token returned by the OP
| extraAuthorizationParams.claims
| object
| Optional. Set it to ask for specific claims. Use it as a way to augment/limit the claims returned by scope param. More info in https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter.
Example response
Returns the consented identity details
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| response
| string
| Required. The signed and encrypted JWT response code returned from the issuer
| issuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| proofs
| object
| Required. The proofs that were generated during the getAuthorizationUrl
An example data object:
email: "[email protected]",
family_name: "John",
given_name: "Doe",
address: {
street_address: '7572 CHOWNING RD',
locality: 'SPRINGFIELD',
region: 'TN',
postal_code: '37172-6488'
Returns the access token requested to the OP
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| response
| string
| Required. The signed and encrypted JWT response code returned from the issuer
| issuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| proofs
| object
| Required. The proofs that were generated during the getAuthorizationUrl
An example data object:
access_token: 'Bw46G9pHPg3IRW5bAPDSRFPzD88jghkAcl4g2wSc0X-',
refresh_token: 'HsdPir0TEi4TiiyUXa90sQGauOqUkmyJ4SDUGU8xL4cKlaf4BbHMO0c4uebs-',
expires_at: 1680738657,
id_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ii1NXzl2cUppMHRTWURlWEZoM2Nsdlo3MG50Qm9zVVZUOWFxQi0tMlNRaVUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJkMDQ5YTYxOC05OGU1LTQ5MjItYjkxOS1kNTU3MjEwOGE5NTIiLCJlbWFpbCI6IlBoaWxpcEhMb3ZldHRAbWlrb21vdGVzdC5jb20iLCJmYW1pbHlfbmFtZSI6IkxvdmV0dCIsImdpdmVuX25hbWUiOiJQaGlsaXAiLCJub25jZSI6IkRzc185UXdlLTk5bGU1NGlsaUtKUHhreTdkQm1TLVUtR3FQMEd6WDUxUVUiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiZ21rdGpTa0xIaUl4eWo2VHpPa2pTQSIsImF1ZCI6IjV0THJ4dEZTRTRqQXRQWXRkeUNRWSIsImV4cCI6MTY4MDczODY1NywiaWF0IjoxNjgwNzM4NTk3LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjkwMDEifQ.HxtbBftvGhGutmS1pC-PGpYJU7eONOuRjumIwlkD3A5Y6yzyjdZWKgj7JoA8qIO2NPDtoYwFVDV5E4gAADiun3SMBQ2mE0_ho9mfGbuskv9BC6VWSt_Z6eJHrWq83fpJrRxJGS16nSdCFo-0f8l71fl2BZdTlINxkTadu5Sc01e0usXkAlQIhtAwvCzcg-4RA5VePVaEhG_8OGxG8hPcyEMYvYpKlQ3XcaVTBRADmB0ody58RpKrEiR1AJyeha99v2HI-oGC62DpyK04SsTEcEzied9BDlEpsygWyQSqWa2gRW5Oov2FXAy37zcdYqGLG0nILZbSIX3lVJttD839wA',
scope: 'openid email profile address offline_access',
token_type: 'Bearer'
Receives a refresh token and returns a new access token
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| issuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| refreshToken
| string
| Required. The refresh token returned as part of the response returned by the token
An example data object:
access_token: 'Bw46G9pHPg3IRW5bAPDSRFPzD88jghkAcl4g2wSc0X-',
refresh_token: 'HsdPir0TEi4TiiyUXa90sQGauOqUkmyJ4SDUGU8xL4cKlaf4BbHMO0c4uebs-',
expires_at: 1680738657,
id_token: 'eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6Ii1NXzl2cUppMHRTWURlWEZoM2Nsdlo3MG50Qm9zVVZUOWFxQi0tMlNRaVUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJkMDQ5YTYxOC05OGU1LTQ5MjItYjkxOS1kNTU3MjEwOGE5NTIiLCJlbWFpbCI6IlBoaWxpcEhMb3ZldHRAbWlrb21vdGVzdC5jb20iLCJmYW1pbHlfbmFtZSI6IkxvdmV0dCIsImdpdmVuX25hbWUiOiJQaGlsaXAiLCJub25jZSI6IkRzc185UXdlLTk5bGU1NGlsaUtKUHhreTdkQm1TLVUtR3FQMEd6WDUxUVUiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiZ21rdGpTa0xIaUl4eWo2VHpPa2pTQSIsImF1ZCI6IjV0THJ4dEZTRTRqQXRQWXRkeUNRWSIsImV4cCI6MTY4MDczODY1NywiaWF0IjoxNjgwNzM4NTk3LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjkwMDEifQ.HxtbBftvGhGutmS1pC-PGpYJU7eONOuRjumIwlkD3A5Y6yzyjdZWKgj7JoA8qIO2NPDtoYwFVDV5E4gAADiun3SMBQ2mE0_ho9mfGbuskv9BC6VWSt_Z6eJHrWq83fpJrRxJGS16nSdCFo-0f8l71fl2BZdTlINxkTadu5Sc01e0usXkAlQIhtAwvCzcg-4RA5VePVaEhG_8OGxG8hPcyEMYvYpKlQ3XcaVTBRADmB0ody58RpKrEiR1AJyeha99v2HI-oGC62DpyK04SsTEcEzied9BDlEpsygWyQSqWa2gRW5Oov2FXAy37zcdYqGLG0nILZbSIX3lVJttD839wA',
scope: 'openid email profile address offline_access',
token_type: 'Bearer'
Returns the proof of humanity from the consented identity details. It's composed by email, given name and family name assuming that they all were requested within the scope of the initial authorization request
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| issuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| token
| object
| Required. The token object returned by the token
or refreshToken
An example data object:
sub: "2b6a41ea-9c23-4cd2-8795-db1010f1899e",
email: "[email protected]",
family_name: "John",
given_name: "Doe",
aud: "mXzJ0TJEbWQb2A8s1z6gq",
exp: 1664947625,
iat: 1664944025,
iss: "http://identity.chase.com"
Returns the consented identity details
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| issuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| token
| object
| Required. The token object returned by the token
or refreshToken
An example data object:
email: "[email protected]",
family_name: "John",
given_name: "Doe",
address: {
street_address: '7572 CHOWNING RD',
locality: 'SPRINGFIELD',
region: 'TN',
postal_code: '37172-6488'
Returns the payment details information
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
expectedIssuer, accessToken, options
| expectedIssuer
| string
| Required. The issuer url. It must be the same than the one used to get the authorization url
| accessToken
| object
| Required. The token object returned by the token
or refreshToken
| options
| object
| Optional. The options object to inject in the requestResource method in the openid-client lib
An example data object:
bankId: "125000024",
identifier: "454992210071",
identifierType: "ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
type: "US_ACH",
transferIn: true,
transferOut: true,
accountId: "g833202fb0866d0ad83472c429"
yarn test