Web application tutorial framework.
Education module for web app - Beta
compatible with all frameworks
- [x] Welcome page
- [x] Task panel from scenario collection (practicable business processes)
- [x] Tooltip from expected value of task
- [x] Scenario selector (restart or start new scenario during the process)
- [x] Hint element from collection (explanatory texts appearing on the elements)
- [x] Evaluation page
Function map
| Welcome page | Scenario colletcion | Hint collection | Evaluation page | | -------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | -------------------- | | parameterizable page | task panel (/page/part) | hints on elements (mouseover) | parameterizable page | | | tooltips (task expeced value) | | | | | scenario selector | | |
Screenshots during operation
- Welcome page
- Task panel
- Tooltip
- Scenario selector
- Hint
- Evaluation page
Use the npm package manager to install
npm i @idoms/education-plugin-web
Import plugin and css dependency
import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.css";
import "@idoms/education-plugin-web/dist/style.css";
//Plugin module option:
import { StartEducation } from "@idoms/education-plugin-web";
StartEducation(welcomePage, scenarioCollection, hintCollection, evaluationPage);
#Example only hint function:
StartEducation({}, {}, hintCollection, {});
Welcome Page example:
const welcomePage = {
isActive: true,
header: 'Header text',
title: 'Title text',
instruction: `
long text description...
userName: {
hidden: false,
required: true,
placeholderText: 'Username',
minLength: 5,
startButtonTitle: 'Start',
footerText: 'Footer text...',
inacivityTime: -1,
Hint example:
const hintCollection = [
selector: {
type: "tagName",
value: "h1"
text: "Hint text..."
selector: {
type: "id",
value: "InputText1"
text: "Hint text..."
selector: {
type: "xpath",
value: "//label"
text: "Hint text..."
Scenario example:
const scenario = {
name: 'Scenario 001',
scenarioSelector: {
title: 'choose a scenario!',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancel',
startButtonText: 'Start'
pages: [
page: {
name: 'page1',
selector: {
type: 'id',
value: 'sectionP1'
name: 'page1 part1',
tasks: [
description: 'Enter the *some in the *Probe text 1 field',
target: {
id: 'p1_task_1',
selector: {
type: 'id',
value: 'probeInput'
expectedValue: {
type: 'text',
value: 'some',
enabledTaskHint: true
description: 'Check the *Checkbox example',
target: {
id: 'p1_task_4',
selector: {
type: 'id',
value: 'checkBoxExample1'
expectedValue: {
type: 'checked',
value: 'true',
enabledTaskHint: true
description: 'select the *Education 2',
target: {
id: 'p1_task_5',
selector: {
type: 'name',
value: 'scenario'
expectedValue: {
type: 'text',
value: 'edu002',
enabledTaskHint: true
name: 'page1 part2',
tasks: [
description: 'Enter the *yes in the *Probe text 3 field', //hide input text
target: {
id: 'p1_task_3',
selector: {
type: 'id',
value: 'probeInput3'
expectedValue: {
type: 'text',
value: 'some',
enabledTaskHint: true
description: 'click the show button', //button clicked
target: {
id: 'p1_task_10',
selector: {
type: 'xpath',
value: "//button[contains(text(),'task button')]"
expectedValue: {
type: 'button',
value: 'clicked',
enabledTaskHint: true
Evaluation page example:
const evaluationPage = {
isActive: true,
finalTaskID: 'p2_task_1',
headerText: 'Header text',
successText: 'success',
errorText: 'failed',
restartButtonText: 'New scenario',
correctAnswerText: 'Correct',
markedText: {
marked: 'Marked',
notMarked: 'Not marked'
Available functions:
- Have the option to submit mock data before or after completing the task. > Property: sendMock
- Have the option to display the expected value. > Property: enalbledTaskHint
- Have the option to overwrite the displayed text. > Property: hintText
Example a task all propertys
tasks: [
* The description field appears on the task panel
description: 'Enter the *some in the *Probe text 1 field',
target: {
id: 'p1_task_1',
selector: {
type: 'id',
value: 'probeInput'
expectedValue: {
type: 'text',
value: 'some',
* Optional property
* if true, the value is displayed
* under the task.
* (expectedValue.value)
enabledTaskHint: true,
* Optional property
* if this property exists
* then this text will appear
* in the task hint
hintText: 'Visible text',
* The sendMock property is optional
* if this property is exist
* then it sends an http request
* to the specified location
sendMock: {
* if this property is exist
* then sends the request when
* the element belonging to
* the task appears on the page
* if it is not exist
* then sends the request after
* the task has been executed
pre: true,
url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/getTeamCards/v1',
method: 'PUT',
* Set the headers properties
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
'accept': 'application/json'
* Appends the content of the body to the request
body: {
payload: {
scenarioID: "0"