Sketch plugin development reusable functions
Sketch plugin utilities
Useful functions for Sketch plugins. Provides functions to be reused into your plugins.
npm i @icona79/sketch-plugin-utilities
You can import all the functions in once via
var SketchUtilities = require("@icona79/sketch-plugin-utilities");
or select every single function you need:
import { functionNameA, functionNameB } from "@icona79/sketch-plugin-utilities";
Smart Layout options
Set Constraint (Pinning properties)
Set the Pinning Properties and Size properties for the selected artefact
import { setResizingConstraint } from "@icona79/sketch-plugin-utilities";
// set fix size both horizontally and vertically
setResizingConstraint(myItem, [false, false, false, false], [true, true]);
// set all the pinning properties to automatically resize the item based on its container size
setResizingConstraint(myItem, [true, true, true, true], [false, false]);
Note: in case of all the same direction parameters are true (which will cause a Sketch error) the pin properties wins over the size contraint properties
Set Smart Layout
Set the Smart Layout properties for the selected artefact (Symbol or Group only)
import { setSmartLayout } from "@icona79/sketch-plugin-utilities";
// set the item's smart layout to be resized horzontally from the center
setSmartLayout(myItem, "HorizontallyCenter"));